Thursday, August 25, 2011

I wake up a very blissful, blessed, beautiful, b'loved, bountiful being and I go to sleep feeling the same way

Appreciating my being and my connection with God and ALL That IS and my amazing life.  My vibrational harmony with Divine Bliss, Divine Truth and Divine Love Intelligence.  I have this connection NOW.  I AM this connection NOW.

This is the MOST IMPORTANT thing I be/do for me and for ALL THAT IS.  Thank YOU, God.  Thy Divine Will Be Done.  And thank YOU, God, and ALL THAT IS for helping and assisting me with my intention that my vibe is now and forever more as closely in perfect Divine Vibrational Alignment with Divine Love and Divine Bliss and Divine Blessings and Divine Truth and Divine Fun as I AM able to allow myself to be in perfect, loving, amazing, glorious alignment in any given moment.  I AM being this.  I AM doing this.  Thank YOU, God.

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