Sunday, July 31, 2011

I communicate with others NOW from the space of Divine Love interacting with Divine Love

I love sharing my Divine Career with the world.
I love the way I AM.  I love that I AM ALL THAT I AM.
I love the special qualities I bring to my Divine Career.
I communicate with others from the space of my Divine Magnificence interacting with their Divine Magnificence.  That I may simply be helping them remember who they are.  What they do with it is up to them.  And I AM open to receiving all the glorious ways my spiritual siblings may wish to show their appreciation for our interactions.  No strings to the gifts.  Simply I appreciate this interaction and to an extent me and this is my way of showing you my appreciation.  I love that I allow...I let it be whatever it will be for however long it will be trusting in Divine and Perfect Order and the wisdom of The Universe and Mother/Father God...ALL THAT IS.  Whoo hoo!!!

I give others credit by ONLY seeing and perceiving them as their Divine Truth Child of God Magnificent Selves.  Thus all of our energy exchanges are simply God in the presence of God.  Love in the presence of Love.  Light in the presence of Light.  Brilliance in the presence of Brilliance.  Bliss in the presence of Bliss.  When I connect with my spiritual siblings in the place in them that is their Divine Perfect Child of God self, there is no need to worry about approval, like or dislike, etc.  From this level there is only love, honor and respect for our Divine Truth.

I AM shining with my true gifts and talents.  My Divine Career that I love, love, love NOW is as an angel representing Divine Truth Love Light Perfection Bliss Beauty Blessings Glory Appreciation Wealth Wholeness Whoo hoo!!! Mahalo!  Mahalo!  Mahalo! 

I celebrate Divine Truth.  Whoo hoo!!!

How does it get any better/more blissful than this?  YES!

Live Like I KNOW I AM THAT I AM in every Glorious Moment I KNOW I AM in Union with Divine Presence

Stahsha Stanowicz was tagged in Jamie Wald's photo.

I love this: When in doubt, show up early. Think less. Feel more. Ask once. Give thanks often. Expect the best. Appreciate everything. Never give up. Make it fun. Lead. Invent. Regroup. Chill. Smile. And live as if your success was inevitable, and so it shall be. Happy Sunday Girls!!!! xoxo:)

Lilou Mace was tagged in Liz Green Law of Attraction Queen's photo.
Fly Higher Than a HIGH Thing Thats Really Really HIGH..... This is OUR Time..... ♥ ♥ Remember How Powerful We Really Divine Truthfully Are ♥  YES!!!  Celebrate!!!  Celebrate Divine Truth!!!  Whoo hoo!!!!!

Celebrating the TRUTH of WHO I AM Already

I AM THAT I AM.  I AM THAT I AM HERE AND NOW!  Everyone is.  Everything is.  No becoming.  Simply being.  Simply perceiving the TRUTH.  DIVINE TRUTH.

Me Representing Divine Truth.  Makes me an Angel of Divine Truth.  This is my TRUE Divine Career.  SOURCE is my SOURCE of my wealth, my Divine Compensation for my Divine Career.  I represent Divine Truth with my SELF and I perceive Divine Truth of everyone and everything.

Celebrate my immersion into Divine TRUTH NOW.  Thank YOU.  I love YOU.  Celebrate my ability to see with my Divine Perception to sense with my Divine Perception---patterns of light---patterns of love and light---divine patterns of love and light---Sacred.

ME ONLY Declaring Divine Love and Light Truth in my life.  Rise above.  I SEE ONLY DIVINE TRUTH in the name I AM THAT I AM.  So be it.  I love my career.  Whoo hoo!!!

How does it get any better/more blissful than this?

Divine Love and Light is the frequency/vibe/wave of Divine Bliss.  Divine Bliss is my home now.  Divine Truth is my home now.  Divine Love and Light is my home NOW.  Gracias.  Mahalo! Love.  Love.  Love.  Bliss.  Bliss.  Bliss.  Blessed.  I AM truly and immensely blessed to be a Divine Representative of Divine Truth and Divine Love and Divine Bliss and Divine Blessings and Divine Beauty and Divine Wealth and Divine Perfection.  I love my life.  Whoo hoo!!!

How does it get any better/more blissful than this?

Chenrizi - I AM always and forever in the free flowing manifestation of all the best this world has to offer.  This moment is the best this world has to offer.  This moment is sacred.  This moment I AM in the Presence of Mother/Father God and ALL THAT IS.  This moment I AM THAT I AM.  I AM ALL THAT I AM.  I AM a Master Being of Light.  I AM the Glory of God in Perfect Manifestation.  I AM love.  I AM Divine.  I AM B'Loved by ALLTHAT IS.  In Divine Perception I AM a SuperSTAR NOW!!!!  Right NOW!!!  Right HERE!!!  ALWAYS!!!  IN all ways!!!  Whoo hoo!!!

My beloved Universe and ALL THAT IS, How does it get any better/more blissful than this?  YES!!!!!

No thing or no one may make me feel less than this Divine TRUTH about me that I AM THAT I AM.  I AM ALL THAT I AM except me EVER.  This brilliant beautiful blessed blissful big, big, big Divine Love Light of Mine I AM letting it shine, shine, Shine NOW.  Every moment.  YES!!!

And in the same way I expect to receive my new bed, I expect I will have an email from Mary More-I-See or anything else I expect to show up, the Truth of my wealth is as Marianne Williamson explains in the Law of Divine Compensation.  I KNOW ALL of God's Wealth is Mine to Enjoy and Share.  That it is Mine NOW.  That the Universe (THANK YOU) has an infinite amount of ways to gift me with my wealth (get it--it is already my wealth and I have earned/inherited and am being gifted it---CELEBRATE MY Divine Wealth) in Divine and Perfect ways.  Especially since I stay open to receiving, having and enjoying these gifts from wherever and whatever blissful ways the Universe desires to gift me from.  Wealth beyond belief is mine NOW.  I love this.  I love being wealthy.  I celebrate my Divine Wealth.  I love, love, love my life.  I love that I AM ALL THAT I AM.  I love ALL THAT I AM.  Whoo hoo!!!

I love that I AM a Divine Love Light Energy Play-A NOW!  Divine Love Light is my play-doh now and I love playing with ALL THAT I AM NOW to bring more love and light and Divine Truth into physical manifestation.  Whoo hoo!!!

How does it get any better/more blissful than this for me in my life I love?  Whoo hoo!!!  Thank you.  I love you.  YES!!!!!!!!!!

How does it get any better/more blissful than this for me in my life I love?  Whoo hoo!!!  Thank you.  I love you.

Saturday, July 30, 2011

Being More Conscious About How I Use My "I AM..." To Be More In Alignment With Divine Truth

~ New Moon Focus today and last day of Night 4 of Entering the Universal Underworld ~ bring a focus to the Unity Grid and the beautiful twelfth Ray of One Unity Consciousness ~
I now find my Self on the Unity Grid of Light assisting the Company of Heaven, Light workers, Starseeded Ones, and Nature Intelligence in wrapping this Golden Flame of Unity Consciousness within and around this Earth plane,
I now assist in the healing of Mother Earth’s energy body, experiencing, sensing and merging into Oneness.
I now assist in taking this Golden Flame of Unity Consciousness into the hearts of all humanity, so they too may choose these keycodes of Divine Love and One Unity Consciousness.

I now assist in anchoring  the new etheric recodings of the 12 Strand DNA through the Christ Consciousness Grid of Light, so that all Life may experience their multidimensionality as Master Beings of Divine Love through the Cosmic
Heart of Mother/Father God.

Friday, July 29, 2011

Day 5 - Transmission From the Elders. Wonderful. They bid me a MOST Magical Day

How does it get any better/more blissful than this?

It is no longer necessary to experience old karmic patterns, and the new soul contracts are based simply on the experience of Love; experiencing our self as this sacred Master Being, as this care-taker and guardian to Mother Earth. I AM magnetizing and attracting those into our reality that truly see us, honor us, and appreciate us. This is happening now on a wider scale, as we are lifting our vibration and attracting more of those of like vibration and frequency.

It is important at this time to truly come into a sense of embracing all aspects of self, of truly loving and nurturing and honor Self as this Master Being, and with this, in lifting our vibration to have a look at what truly brings in the frequencies that 'create' a deeper level of Light within our Self and what is it that lessens this Light. 

Thank YOU, All THAT IS.  Divine TRUTH feels light.  Lies feel heavy.

We are presented with this opportunity to truly 'let go, let God' and to examine every area of our life: in terms of our food, in terms of our relationships, in terms of our daily activities and how this lifts our vibration or lowers it. 

These spiraling vortices of Light, are lifting us already in this Now into these higher dimensional frequencies. But further stability and balance is required.

In other words, sweet ones, as we hear or know or intuit places of distress on this earthplane or places of tectonic stress or increased natural disasters, we can connect to the Brotherhood of the Light, we can connect through this beautiful Solar Flame of Love and Wisdom, of balance, of purification, of manifestation, and assist in stabilizing the electromagnetic field of Mother Earth and also bring a deeper level of balance to our Self. 

Working with our Self, we can simply request to be placed in a Chamber of Light to balance the electromagnetic frequencies brought in by the Brotherhood of the Light. Experience this now. Requesting the three-dimensional rectangular grid of Light to be brought in by the Brotherhood of the Light. -- As this three-dimensional multi-colored laser grid of light is brought in, surround Self in this beautiful Copper-Gold Flame of Light. Ask for a recalibration of the chakras to the electromagnetic frequency that clears, that cleanses, that unifies and restores our wholeness, as we embrace all aspects of Self; bringing Self to a new level of balance and stability. -- Wonderful. 

There is this focus on Unity Consciousness, as we are collectively connecting more in this essence of Divine Love and Unity Consciousness through the amplified frequency too of the Eleventh Ray of "Illumined Truth" as it Overlights this year in this beautiful Pink-Orange Flame of Light, embracing the energy of the Divine Feminine. And so, this balancing between the Divine Feminine and the Divine Masculine continues, and these etheric karmic contracts too are dissolving these old contracts between the separation of men and women, abuse and misuse of power, and the dishonoring of the Goddess energy.
Within our selves, sweet ones, have a look at 'our' balancing.  Have a look at how we nurture and Love our Self, how we bring the Divine Feminine forward and balance it with the energy of the Divine Masculine. For many of us are needing to look at, firstly, issues of separation between men and women, and further to this, in finding our own balance; and with this, a point of stability between the Divine Feminine and the Divine Masculine aspects of our Self. For the energy of the sun and this Solar Ray further brings an aspect of sacred sexuality, of experiencing our relationships through this energy of sacred sexuality and the honoring of the Divine Feminine archetypes and the honoring of all Life.
For a moment now, just find our self back in this Ascension Seat within the Solar Core. - taken in Soul consciousness in this external merkaba vehicle of Light. - As we enter into this Ascension Seat and are surrounded in this beautiful, vibrant Copper-Gold Flam of Light, there is a further quality of manifestation, and a primary focus for the next eighteen days, is 'on' this quality of manifestation.
Have a look for a moment at what it is 'you' are intending to manifest, to co-create with the Company of Heaven and how you bring this into your reality.  
Connect through the energy of your I-AM Presence as you merge into this beautiful sacred, Divine Light of Who You Are within the Cosmic Heart of Mother-Father God. And, through your I-AM Presence, put out this call of what it is that you are wishing to manifest, to co-create in this Now.
Have a look at all those aspects of Self that need to change. Have a look at the frequency vibration of those around us, and those we would like to shift our relationships with, our circumstances. See if these are karmic contracts or soul contracts based on Love and Wisdom.
Again, if they are old karmic contracts, stating we will learn your lessons in pain or shame or separation, whatever it is - we cancel these contracts. Burning them NOW in this beautiful Copper-Gold Flame of Light. Create these new contracts, sweet ones, that will truly allow us to manifest all we need in this reality of Divine Love as this Keeper of the Flame of Divine Love.
Find our Self now on this Solar Grid of Light, connecting to the Solar Beings, all the Beings of Light working this Unity Grid from a solar level, connecting to all the planets within the solar system and experiencing the energy of the sun as the 'heart' center, bringing together the essence of all Life within this solar system in Divine Love and Unity consciousness. Feel this expanded state of consciousness within Self as we lift Self into this essence of Solar Light, as we now merge with our multi-dimensional Selves at this dimensional level.
NOW, we see how this beautiful Solar energy of Divine Love and Love-Wisdom is accelerating the consciousness of all Life within this solar system, as we bring these solar keycodes of Light through the Solar Grid onto this earthplane NOW through the Unity Grid of Light. -- Again, hold this focus as the Brotherhood of the Light bring in the orbs of Light, as we assist in stabilizing the electromagnetic field of Mother Earth and through this 'our' own body and energy field. -- As the chakras within Mother Earth are activated, this moves into all the leylines, crystal cities, sacred sites, merging through this Unity Grid, amplifying this crystalline structure of Light. Understand that as we put our attention on "doing" this, even if we don't think we know how or wonder if we are actually "doing" anything...KNOW WE ARE!  And so it is!  YES!!!
NOW as we bring stability and balance to this earth plane, find  Self in this crystalline city of Light above the Great Pyramid. There is an alignment of Light that takes us through this crystalline city through the Great Pyramid, into the sun, into the Pleiades, into Sirius, and into Orion. This alignment of Light through this crystalline city of Light now, merges these timelines of your 'Highest Potential' in the knowing of our Self as an initiate of Light, through the timelines primarily of ancient Egypt and Atlantis.
As we experience these merging timelines, see Self as this Flame of Divine Love, choosing to be of service to Mother Earth and all her Life in the knowing of Self as a Star Being, in the knowing of Self as this Master Being. Bring in all we are needing to amplify our frequency and manifest for us in this NOW this reality of One-Unity Consciousness through these merging timelines, in which 'you' have experienced self-mastery.  I HAVE experienced Self-mastery.
Find Self NOW back on the Unity Grid of Light, connected to the Lightworkers and to the Beings of Light from On High, assisting in this ascension process through the Unity Grid of Light.  As we again work through this holographic Crystalline Matrix of Light and continue to anchor and experience this Planetary Crystalline Vibration of Divine Love, taking on these keycodes of Light, further activating the DNA to allow for these new encodings of Light, to be activated on 11-11-11. 
-- Wonderful.
We honor you as these magical Master Beings and Keepers of Light to Mother Earth and all her Life. And with this, we bid you a most magical day.
I AM a magical Master Being and Keeper of Light to Mother Earth and all her Life.
As I begin to more and more re-cognize how big a gift and contribution to the world I truly AM, I allow the Universe to flow all the wealth my name on it through me in the easiest and most blissful ways that may even be beyond my belief for me knowing that I AM rich and wealthy NOW.  I AM prospered by the Universe.  I AM Blessed with all God's Best...always and all ways.  Thank YOU!!!


I can't lose my career.  I AM never unemployed by God.  I have a unique function here in the physical.  Me, being the being Mother/Father God made me to be.  The form doesn't matter.  I AM a Minister of God.  Surrender my talent.  Use my talents God on behalf of the Bliss of This Heaven on Earth.  Lift my life up to Divine Right Order into the Clear Divine Love Light of God.  I open my heart and ask Mother/Father God to use me as is their loving intent to do so.  My real wealth is my power of God within me.  I AM already rich.  I AM strong.  I AM blessed.  I AM BLISS.  I AM B'loved.  I AM BEautiful.  I AM the Glory of God in Perfect Expression.  I no longer resist this truth of me.  To live on this earth but to think the thoughts of Heaven/of ONEness.  How can my talents be used by Mother/Father God and the Universe to make this Heaven on Earth more Blissful and Divine.  Be a space for the ultimate possibilities of Divine Love flowing through me.

I AM Priceless.  I AM a treasure.  I AM the Glory of Creation.  This is not bragging.  This is humble.  For when I remember/re-cognize who I AM in Divine Truth, these statements are being humble.

In God there is no end to new beginnings.  The new beginnings in God's realm do not diminish as I get older.

I don't care...just show me how I may serve you Mother/Father God.  The Universe is set up to give me what I need.  Somehow I don't really feel that the Universe really needs anything from me but love and appreciation.  However, I will ask the question?  Mother/Father God and the Universe, if there is something/anything moment-to-moment you need from me besides my love, trust, recognition, appreciation and testimony to how infinite and eternal and magnificent YOUR energy, love and blessings are...please do not hesitate.  Truly!  I AM ready.  I AM committed to being 100% impeccable.  Thank YOU!  I love YOU!

So...we ordered the Sleep Number Bed and were told to expect it by today, actually.  No panic that it hasn't shown up yet. 

Use this example.  If I intend it (in essence ordered it in spirit) it is going to manifest for me in physical expression in the perfect time and the perfect way.  In other is coming.  I have it in Spirit...own it in it in spirit and appreciate it in spirit and I trust God and the Universe so much NOW that I know it will and it does show up for me PerfectTime/PerfectPlace in Physical projection and expression.  Whoo hoo!!!
It is very important to not base present expectations on past experiences. This could damage beneficial outcome. Move forward unencumbered by baggage from the past.

This includes money. 
Once you make a decision to get well, one you make a decision to have more energy, once you make a decision to get really committed to anything, God helps you.  But until you get committed, there is a chance for hesitancy. 
Where is the hesitancy, wondering, doubt or fear that’s controlling your life?  Go ahead, get committed, make a decision and let God help you.
Here's To Commitment,
Here's to downloading more divine love through my being.  Here's to detach from my identifying with my SELF in any way but ways that are aligned with Divine Truth.

Seems also that I may and desire to get over feeling like it is bad or wrong or I will get in trouble for having my body touched and admired.  Judgments and Conclusions.  My body is what God says it is in Teachings of the Masters Vol. 4.  My body is spirit.  My body is love.  My body is beautiful.  My body deserves to be appreciated and loved.  Let my self be touched.  Let my self love my body.  Let my self appreciate my body.  Let my self feel blessed to have this body that allows me to enjoy all the many different experiences in physical manifestation.

I AM blessed.

I intend the Highest Good.

I intend that when 11/11/11 rolls around that I will be an expression of what I intended to be according to my Divine Plan.

I love, love, love, love, love ALL THAT IS and Divine Truth and enjoying and appreciating and loving Divine Truth in my life now and strengthening my perception of everything as Divine...seeing like Divine Love Truth.  I love, love, love, love, love that I AM now on God's payroll and God is my employer.  YES!!!

I AM Bliss.
I AM Blessed.
I AM Beautiful.
I AM B'Loved.
I AM Divine.
Mahalo.  More Please.

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Day 7 - Represent Divine Bliss!

Being an amazing representation of Divine Bliss, Divine Blessings, Divine Best, Divine Love, Divine Appreciation, Divine Wealth and Divine and Perfect Order in my life  love, love, love here NOW and always in all ways is the MOST and I mean MOST important thing for me in my life now.  I AM committed.  I AM certain.  I AM passionate about being at ONE with this Divine Love vibration in every eternal, infinite moment of NOW now.  Whoo hoo!!!  So help me God.  So be it.  So it is.

What if I AM a re-present-ation of Divine Bliss and Divine Love and Divine and Perfect Order and the Glory of God?  How might that feel?  What might that look like?  What sort of experiences might I have?  How does it get any more blissful and blessed than this for me in my life, Mother/Father God and the Universe?  I know I AM sacred.  I know I AM loved and blessed beyond belief here, NOW and always in all ways by the Glory...Mother/Father God's Glory and Love.  YES!!!  YES!!!   YES!!!  I AM so very, very blessed.


As a re-present-ation of Divine Love, Bliss, Wealth, Perfection...well, I allow this energy to flow freely thought my being in order for me to be not just the Intender of the Highest Good, but a glorious, blissful, blessed representation of ALL the best of Divine Love, Divine Bliss, Divine Blessings and Divine and Perfect Order in my life I love, love, love here, now and always.  Whoo hoo!!!



"Whatever I do in life, I give it my full attention. Like a laser beam, I burn from before me all problems, all obstructions!"

Rev. Michael, "Court the Presence with such passion that It becomes more real to you than the chair on which you are sitting."

Day 6 - How Does It Get More Blissful Than This?

Last night...appreciating being blessed, blessed, blessed and listened to Emmanuel's radio show on gratitude and learned about access consciousness.

Ask the question and receive.  I know the Universe loves me.  I know the Universe blesses me.  I know the Universe sees me as sacred and Divine in every  moment.  So in each moment that I AM feeling bliss and blessed I ask the Universe to please show me: "How does it get more blissful than this?"

And then I with loving arms am open to receive with appreciation the answers to this question I posed to my beloved Universe.  I embrace the answers with love and appreciation.  And I AM thrilled to know that I AM able to ask this question and know it is immediately answered by the Universe. 

Let myself feel how much more blissful than this I may feel and be so very, very open to how my life will unfold in my physical realm because (be open to every and any way this bliss wishes to show up for me in my amazing, wonderful, seemingly magical life) I AM allowing the Universe to show me "How does it get more blissful than this?"


Thank you!


Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Day 5

Everything that is happening around you is a manifestation that is evidence of one thing and one thing only: your relationship with your vortex, your relationship with your vortex.So the fact that this annoying person is there, or this belligerent person is there, is your manifestation which is simply reflecting back to you, your relationship with your vortex. That's all. - AbeHicks -
TAKE A STAND: Actively proclaim this day as an amazing demonstration of God's infinite love and creativity flowing through you to bless all things. (via Marianne Williamson)
“The most important thing in life is to learn how to give out love, and to let it come in.”

Morrie Schwartz
is lovin' life right now! ;-)
When a tree is pruned it looks ugly, as if all the life had been cut out of it... but within a short amount of time it blossoms again much more full and beautiful than ever before--the old has been cut away to make way for the new life.
Reading all the comments regarding who's right and who's wrong in some of these discusisons, I still think it's so important for us to realize that it's not about right or wrong - we are all right, our viewpoints are right for us, no one is wrong. If we can learn the tolerance and allowing to make it possible for others to express themselves without wanting to correct them or show them wrong, we will have gone a long way. :)
There isn't anything that will bog you down. There isn't anything that will bum you out. There isn't anything that will break your heart. There isn't anything that will disappoint you. There isn't anything that will hurt you in any other way. There nothing, there is no assertion of anything unwanted. The only thing that ever could cause pain to you is you, not allowing you to be you. That's all; that's all it is.

Agape 4/16/11
Dear Universe....Thank You!
Have you tried loving your body today? If you're spending 30-95% of your feelings, thoughts and energy focused on hating your body then no wonder you are holding on to excess weight. Treat your body like your best friend, child or lover and it will LOVE you back. Treat it like your biggest enemy and it will fight back. What's your choice?

Flowing water, bringing life to all who are thirsty. Drink deep this Water of Life, quench your soul, sustain your body, enrich your mind, awaken your spirit. This ancient water tells the story of the ages, listen as you drink, mysteries will unfold before you. ~K. Allen Kay

‎"Peace be still and know that I AM God, I will be exalted among the heathen, I will be exalted in the Earth" Psalms 46:10... Our heathen, or strange-uncivilized-faithless thought forms, are quieted when we understand that we are God's perfect emanation living to exalt The Mystery here on earth. I pray we are all exalted in the midst of the heathen within us... ♥
There are plenty of things on this planet that are impossible to love. Just don’t look there. And don’t demand that they change in order for you to feel love!


Living In Your Power 101 – How to live an expansive, juicy, outrageously blissful life – Part 2

Step #1 to Live In Your Power: Live by this motto….”There is no one else out there.  IT IS ALL ME.”
It is all you.  Every little bit of what you experience is not only a reflection of your inner state it IS you.  In order to create what you want you have to make all changes at the source – within yourself.   When you think someone else has to change in order for you to feel better you are giving your power away and it FEELS CRAPPY to give your power away!  It will eventually make you feel dependent and weak even if you get what you want.  When you believe that what you need to feel good comes from outside of you, you are disconnecting from who you ARE – ahem, GOD.
What if the next time you feel crappy you see it as an opportunity to learn how to step into your power? Rather than thinking about how to fix the reality you’re living in, how to get someone to do what you want them to do, or change a situation that you feel powerless over, just drop it.  That’s it.  Just drop it.  Drop all attempts to communicate, manipulate, strategize, demand, etc.  Come back to yourself. …and breathe.  Can you feel the relief in that?
Decide to take responsibility for your feelings and not pin them on someone else.  That’s the only way anything in your life is ever going to change.  I mean really, how long have you been feeling this way in one form or another throughout your life?  When’s the first time you remember feeling this way? Is this situation really making you feel these feelings or have they been in you since you were very young?  What if your feelings have been there all along and you are creating the circumstances in your life in order to feel them? Why?  Because that’s how you’re used to feeling.  That’s how you learned to adapt to the environment you grew up in.  I know this is so contrary to what most people learn that it is hard to accept.  But really, I promise you, this is your chance to learn how to manage your thoughts and feelings, to learn about yourself, to make a change in a way that will change all your future experiences, to learn that you get to decide how you think and feel no matter what!
When you are able to change your own feelings without changing your circumstances you will fall in love with yourself.  The first step is to recognize that this is possible and put all of your attention where it’s going to be effective – on you!   Get out your journal and write.  Go for a walk.  Notice your thoughts and feelings and be with them.  Welcome them in.  You might feel hurt or angry or frustrated or betrayed.  Write it down.  Notice how your thoughts are contributing to your feelings.  Accept and welcome it all.
In my case, I made a decision to drop all thoughts that had anything to do with my ex being wrong as soon as I noticed them.  It was not easy!  When they came up, I replaced them with “I am taking responsibility for how I feel now”.    How I was feeling wasn’t his fault.  He could not behave in any way that wasn’t a match to my vibration.   I also decided to keep loving him no matter what, which was a decision to keep loving myself (remember, It’s all me).  When you recognize that your creation IS YOU, you will find it much easier to love it.  Try it.  You’ll notice that loving feels so much better than blaming or criticizing.   I didn’t take action I just sent  loving thoughts and imagined sending light.  I felt instantly free and back in my power – before I changed one other thing – just from letting him off the hook.  The time I had spent blaming, asking, demanding, criticizing, wishing, and hoping was draining my energy and not getting results. Putting my attention on my ex was in effect abandoning myself.  It felt so soothing to let go and be with me.
Think of someone or something in your life that you are unhappy with and hoping will change.  Can you stay in your power?  Can you acknowledge that this person or circumstance is you and make the decision to let them off the hook? Can you send love recognizing that you love yourself when you do? Try it and notice how it feels.  Fear may come up but just tell yourself that for right now you’re doing an experiment in taking responsibility for how you feel. If it doesn’t work, well, no biggie.  You can always go back to how you did things before.  I’d love to hear your feedback and experiences and please ask any questions you have!
Love and Bliss,

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Living In Your Power 101 – How to live an expansive, juicy, outrageously blissful life

Did you know that a juicy life doesn’t just happen?  You have to decide to create one.  And, more importantly, if you want to live a juicy life you have to be living in your power to do it – which means you have to identify the areas in your life where you are giving your power away and take it back.   The way to do this is to take responsibility for your thoughts, your feelings, and the results you are getting – always.  Your power lies within you – Only WITHIN YOU.  Any and all attempts to control, convince, manipulate or otherwise change your external reality are futile and ultimately will diminish your power and your joy.  It’s like wasting your time trying to fix a toaster when there’s no electricity.  The problem isn’t the toaster.  It’s that there is no electricity to make it work.
Deliberate creators often get hung up here.  We know the drill.  We know we’re attracting what we’re vibrating, but it’s just not always easy to take on 100% responsibility.  I know it’s hard.  Your mind is used to rattling off all kinds of thoughts that will prevent you from doing it, but until you decide it’s ALL you – not mostly you, not all you except when _______ , ALL YOU – you are not living fully in your power. Imagine what you could create if you did!
You can always tell when you’ve given your power away because every time you do you
feel crappy!  We have a tendency to want other people and circumstances to change when that happens.  But when you feel bad emotionally your thoughts are responsible for your pain, and the ONLY person who can change it is you.   In fact, the shocking truth is that when you allow someone else to change in order to make you feel better, you become more dependent on them and over time you will feel less and less empowered and less in touch with your own joy.
This is an incredibly hard lesson to learn and apply because there is relief in getting someone else to change to make you feel better.   But the bottom line is……If you want to feel absolutely amazing and free and powerful and in love with yourself, and create what you want in your life, the only way to do that is to take responsibility for how you feel, stop all attempts to get anyone to change anything,  and change your own thinking.  I know it seems impossible sometimes.  I’ve been there!
Last month my boyfriend and I broke up because I was feeling (well thinking really) that he would never fully commit to me.  I did lots of work on my thoughts and lots of scripting and pivoting and still I couldn’t get past the thought that our relationship wasn’t moving forward.  And believe me, I had lots of great evidence that it wasn’t going to and most of it was about him. So, in as loving a way as I could, I let go.  The weeks that followed were not easy.  But, the pain I felt over the break up was interspersed with moments of total freedom, clarity, empowerment and love.  And, I noticed that how I felt (whether it was desperately unloved and unwanted, or joyful, juicy, and eager for the opportunity before me) was solely dependent on my thinking.
Are there any areas in your life where you are feeling less than good or possibly even crappy?  Is there someone you are upset with that you want to change?  These are places in your life where you are letting your power drain away and you have an amazing opportunity to step more fully into the unlimited being that you are.  I’m going to let you know exactly how to do that in this series of posts.   For now, notice the places where you are giving your power away to the people and circumstances around you – and notice how it feels.  If you feel inspired to, please share what you notice here.  This journey is so much juicier when we take it together.
Love, bliss, and juiciness,

I know the universe is conspiring for our good. Let’s marinate in the juices of the eternal, YES!
I am completely authentic. I don't pretend to be what I am not. I am what I am, and I accept what I am. I am just like a flower, just like the ocean, just like the sun. I am just like me.


Monday, July 25, 2011

Everything (including everyone) is Spiritual Energy, Divine Energy

either in potential or in form.  Thus, everything is Divine.  Everything is sacred.  Love it all.  I love it all.  Whoo hoo!!!

"If you judge people, you have no time to love them."
- Mother Teresa
Prayer: an inside out job
Prayer isn't about asking God to deliver your blessings.
It's about letting God know that you're ready to receive 'em.

Happy Monday FB prayer buddies!
You are blessed if . . . ♥•*´¨♥¸.• ♥ ´*.*♥¸.•

you wake up in a bed, and under a roof,

you can feel the warmth of the sun on your skin,

you have a friend,

you feel connected to something greater than yourself
(e.g., church, community, Creator),

you are loved by someone,

you love them, too,

you have faith and hope,

you are part of a family,

you are free,

you are able to work
(whether at a job, taking care of someone, gardening, etc),

you can see the stars in the heavens,

you believe in heaven,

you have the capacity to give something to others
(even if only a smile),

you are a living, breathing, feeling human being with a soul and a heart who therefore, has purpose, meaning, and worth.

Have you said a prayer of thanks today?
Oh, yeah – talking to God – that's another blessing! ♥ David L. Weatherford ♥•*´¨♥¸.• ♥ ´*.*♥¸.•dotsie
See More
Accept that you are always in the right place at the right time meeting the right people.
YOU are BEAUTIFUL, no matter what they say!!! I love you beyond words!
‎"Can you imagine what a state of mind without illusions is?" ~ A Course in Miracles
Real experiences of joy, ecstasy, and love can only be had in expanded or higher states of consciousness.
Today I am resting in God's arms......nothing to do, fix, figure out..........just love love love and enjoy the beauty of the day
Procrastination is not a sign that you should have your wrist slapped and whip yourself into shape to perform an action. Often procrastination is just your emotional reading on energy as it is lined up, and your awareness at some level of the futility of action that is not going to take you toward your goal.
- Abraham-Hicks -
Do something fun today! Even if it is just a little walk or short game. Boredom can lead to depression and apathy. Live BIG! Choose FUN!!
Determine the destination. Don’t worry about how you’re going to get there. Begin with the end in mind and a road will eventually appear. Your problem will have no choice but to be solved.
What do I wish my new money paradigm to be NOW?

I AM Blessed NOW, NOW, NOW! Very Valuable Gifts! Mahalo!

We are given life and the capacity to think any thought we want to think, to listen to whatever we choose to listen to, to speak about whatever we will choose to speak about and to do whatever we choose to do.
That is such a great gift --that we can think, listen, speak and choose to do whatever we choose.  Think of how often we perhaps take that gift for granted. 
Today, I invite you to join me in recognizing what an incredible gift we have been given:  The ability to live , choose and be.
To The Gift,
Thank YOU, Mary Morrisey
More I See THAT I AM A GIFT, I AM Gifted, I HAVE so many, many Gifts, MY LIFE IS A GIFT!  Whoo hoo!!!

Day 4, Planting Seeds

If we unconsciously plant seeds of doubt, worry and despair, in our garden of consciousness then we can expect a forest of fear to hem us in. If we consciously plant seeds of peace, faith, compassion, generosity and joy, we will live in our original, pristine Garden of Eden consciousness. Nurture your seed-thoughts in the rich soil of remembrance that you are the beloved of Spirit. ~Michael Bernard Beckwith

July 25 - SEE IT! See I AM already Bliss Blessed...All THAT GOD IS NOW!

Divine Truth Teller.
Tell the TRUTH every moment (regardless of the so-called physical "facts") my Physical Body Temple is always flowing and glowing with Divine Perfect Well-Being...Bliss, Beauty, Blessings and Love.  Whoo hoo!  I love this.  I love my physical body temple.  Whoo hoo!!!

This makes me blessed, blessed, blessed every moment.
Every moment is divine and sacred, sacred, sacred.
Everyone and everything is Divine and sacred, sacred, sacred NOW.
My life is in Divine and Perfect Order.
Everything and anyone who ever needs to show up in my MUST!

My life is in Divine and Perfect Order NOW.  All that IS Gods's IS Mine NOW to enjoy and share.
I AM so blessed then.  Blessed.  Blessed.  Blessed.  Thank YOU.  Thank YOU.  Thank YOU.
I LOVE, Love, Love My Bliss Blessed B'loved Beautiful Life NOW, NOW, NOW!  Whoo hoo!  Thank YOU!

Sunday, July 24, 2011

July 24 - The Gift of Life is Happening to Me and for Me Every Moment

I AM Blessed.  Mahalo!  I AM Blessed with Divine Breath.  Mahalo!

Today...all day...every moment I AM blessed to be in the Presence of Mother/Father God and all the Legions of Light and love.

Today...all day...every moment I AM blessed to have my being and my life in Divine and Perfect Order.  Whoo hoo!!!  Mahalo!

July 22nd Day 1 of 111

On July 22, 2011 I decided to begin this 111 day journey which ends on 11.11.11.

This journey is about knowing that by 11.11.11 I will reach my destination of experiencing myself more as my Divine Self because I plan on putting as much attention in mental, emotional, spiritual and physical on me as already knowing...already being in Spirit my Divine and Perfect self.

Part of this is about deciding that I really am going to see me as already having Divine Wealth Consciousness.  That I AM going to be vigilant about correcting the mistaken thinking that anything is my SOURCE of wealth except Divine Love Intelligence, Mother/Father God, the Universe. 

That I will see I already have everything.  So if I need something then it will somehow come into my life for my enjoyment.

In other words also be vigilant about counting my blessings.  All begins in Spirit.  All is Spirit.  Spirit in form whether a thought or a physical projection/manifestation.  In other words then I have infinite blessings because I have everything that God has.  I have my own Kingdom, which is my Consciousness.  My consciousness is my currency.  And my physical body temple is always in Divine and Perfect Order if I will but perceive this truth and not let myself be tricked into thinking any other truth is the truth.

And so a part of me was feeling like nothing much really is happening this year...the year when I earlier did my Bliss Project during lent.  My year of jubilee as Joel Osteen put it.  And yet: I got new floors.  Our electricity was fixed.  I got to go to my son's wedding.  I am most likely going to Nicaragua.  My relationship with Manny is going to go to a new level (although my relationship with everyone and everything, including myself, God and the Universe, the Archangels, in other words everyone is going to a new level) because I have committed myself to Impeccability.  I have committed myself to seeing everything as divine, as Sacred.  Every moment as Divine.  Every moment I AM blessed to be in the Presence of THE Presence.  Always.

So on day 2 when we went to buy our new bed, I found myself thinking in the old ways about how that is a lot of money for a bed, blah, blah, blah only to realize that I deserve this.  We (Manny and me) deserve this.  And we are wealthy.  We can afford it.  Yes!  YES!  YES!!!  And the mattress pad.  Whoo hooo!!!  Who would of thought there is a technology for having a perfect sleeping body temperature.  Whoo hoo!!!  THANK YOU!

And now today, Day 3, I had a dream where I realized that I have a fear of being punished.  I don't know how much I want to try to elaborate on this, but how interesting?  And I know I can let it go.  YES!!!  I know consciously that God does not punish.  Instead the spiritual laws are very fair.  What you put in is what you put out.  What is there to fear about that, when you think about it?  Put in love and you get love.  Punishment doesn't ever enter into the equation.

I also think it is interesting that my nephew got married on July 22nd.  That it was very important for whatever reason for this to happen for them on this day. 

This year: this 111 day journey continues to be about the simple instruction:
Declare the TRUTH of God's Word over every area of my life.  For this is the Divine TRUTH of who I AM here and NOW and always already.  As I do, I AM putting Divine TRUTH in and so my life MUST become a beautiful expression of Divine TRUTH.

I choose Divine Truth.  I choose Divine Bliss.  I choose to be love.  I choose to express love.  I choose to Tell the Truth, the WHOLE Divine TRUTH and ONLY the TRUTH. me...Mother/Father God.  And I know that Mother/Father God are helping me and loving me every moment...with me every moment.  That my intention is divine and sacred and very, very important to the Universe, all the Legions of Light and Love.  And I AM truly blessed beyond belief in every glorious, Present, Eternal MOMENT of NOW!  YES!!!  Whoo hoo!!!