Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Day 5

Everything that is happening around you is a manifestation that is evidence of one thing and one thing only: your relationship with your vortex, your relationship with your vortex.So the fact that this annoying person is there, or this belligerent person is there, is your manifestation which is simply reflecting back to you, your relationship with your vortex. That's all. - AbeHicks -
TAKE A STAND: Actively proclaim this day as an amazing demonstration of God's infinite love and creativity flowing through you to bless all things. (via Marianne Williamson)
“The most important thing in life is to learn how to give out love, and to let it come in.”

Morrie Schwartz
is lovin' life right now! ;-)
When a tree is pruned it looks ugly, as if all the life had been cut out of it... but within a short amount of time it blossoms again much more full and beautiful than ever before--the old has been cut away to make way for the new life.
Reading all the comments regarding who's right and who's wrong in some of these discusisons, I still think it's so important for us to realize that it's not about right or wrong - we are all right, our viewpoints are right for us, no one is wrong. If we can learn the tolerance and allowing to make it possible for others to express themselves without wanting to correct them or show them wrong, we will have gone a long way. :)
There isn't anything that will bog you down. There isn't anything that will bum you out. There isn't anything that will break your heart. There isn't anything that will disappoint you. There isn't anything that will hurt you in any other way. There nothing, there is no assertion of anything unwanted. The only thing that ever could cause pain to you is you, not allowing you to be you. That's all; that's all it is.

Agape 4/16/11
Dear Universe....Thank You!
Have you tried loving your body today? If you're spending 30-95% of your feelings, thoughts and energy focused on hating your body then no wonder you are holding on to excess weight. Treat your body like your best friend, child or lover and it will LOVE you back. Treat it like your biggest enemy and it will fight back. What's your choice?

Flowing water, bringing life to all who are thirsty. Drink deep this Water of Life, quench your soul, sustain your body, enrich your mind, awaken your spirit. This ancient water tells the story of the ages, listen as you drink, mysteries will unfold before you. ~K. Allen Kay

‎"Peace be still and know that I AM God, I will be exalted among the heathen, I will be exalted in the Earth" Psalms 46:10... Our heathen, or strange-uncivilized-faithless thought forms, are quieted when we understand that we are God's perfect emanation living to exalt The Mystery here on earth. I pray we are all exalted in the midst of the heathen within us... ♥
There are plenty of things on this planet that are impossible to love. Just don’t look there. And don’t demand that they change in order for you to feel love!


Living In Your Power 101 – How to live an expansive, juicy, outrageously blissful life – Part 2

Step #1 to Live In Your Power: Live by this motto….”There is no one else out there.  IT IS ALL ME.”
It is all you.  Every little bit of what you experience is not only a reflection of your inner state it IS you.  In order to create what you want you have to make all changes at the source – within yourself.   When you think someone else has to change in order for you to feel better you are giving your power away and it FEELS CRAPPY to give your power away!  It will eventually make you feel dependent and weak even if you get what you want.  When you believe that what you need to feel good comes from outside of you, you are disconnecting from who you ARE – ahem, GOD.
What if the next time you feel crappy you see it as an opportunity to learn how to step into your power? Rather than thinking about how to fix the reality you’re living in, how to get someone to do what you want them to do, or change a situation that you feel powerless over, just drop it.  That’s it.  Just drop it.  Drop all attempts to communicate, manipulate, strategize, demand, etc.  Come back to yourself. …and breathe.  Can you feel the relief in that?
Decide to take responsibility for your feelings and not pin them on someone else.  That’s the only way anything in your life is ever going to change.  I mean really, how long have you been feeling this way in one form or another throughout your life?  When’s the first time you remember feeling this way? Is this situation really making you feel these feelings or have they been in you since you were very young?  What if your feelings have been there all along and you are creating the circumstances in your life in order to feel them? Why?  Because that’s how you’re used to feeling.  That’s how you learned to adapt to the environment you grew up in.  I know this is so contrary to what most people learn that it is hard to accept.  But really, I promise you, this is your chance to learn how to manage your thoughts and feelings, to learn about yourself, to make a change in a way that will change all your future experiences, to learn that you get to decide how you think and feel no matter what!
When you are able to change your own feelings without changing your circumstances you will fall in love with yourself.  The first step is to recognize that this is possible and put all of your attention where it’s going to be effective – on you!   Get out your journal and write.  Go for a walk.  Notice your thoughts and feelings and be with them.  Welcome them in.  You might feel hurt or angry or frustrated or betrayed.  Write it down.  Notice how your thoughts are contributing to your feelings.  Accept and welcome it all.
In my case, I made a decision to drop all thoughts that had anything to do with my ex being wrong as soon as I noticed them.  It was not easy!  When they came up, I replaced them with “I am taking responsibility for how I feel now”.    How I was feeling wasn’t his fault.  He could not behave in any way that wasn’t a match to my vibration.   I also decided to keep loving him no matter what, which was a decision to keep loving myself (remember, It’s all me).  When you recognize that your creation IS YOU, you will find it much easier to love it.  Try it.  You’ll notice that loving feels so much better than blaming or criticizing.   I didn’t take action I just sent  loving thoughts and imagined sending light.  I felt instantly free and back in my power – before I changed one other thing – just from letting him off the hook.  The time I had spent blaming, asking, demanding, criticizing, wishing, and hoping was draining my energy and not getting results. Putting my attention on my ex was in effect abandoning myself.  It felt so soothing to let go and be with me.
Think of someone or something in your life that you are unhappy with and hoping will change.  Can you stay in your power?  Can you acknowledge that this person or circumstance is you and make the decision to let them off the hook? Can you send love recognizing that you love yourself when you do? Try it and notice how it feels.  Fear may come up but just tell yourself that for right now you’re doing an experiment in taking responsibility for how you feel. If it doesn’t work, well, no biggie.  You can always go back to how you did things before.  I’d love to hear your feedback and experiences and please ask any questions you have!
Love and Bliss,

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Living In Your Power 101 – How to live an expansive, juicy, outrageously blissful life

Did you know that a juicy life doesn’t just happen?  You have to decide to create one.  And, more importantly, if you want to live a juicy life you have to be living in your power to do it – which means you have to identify the areas in your life where you are giving your power away and take it back.   The way to do this is to take responsibility for your thoughts, your feelings, and the results you are getting – always.  Your power lies within you – Only WITHIN YOU.  Any and all attempts to control, convince, manipulate or otherwise change your external reality are futile and ultimately will diminish your power and your joy.  It’s like wasting your time trying to fix a toaster when there’s no electricity.  The problem isn’t the toaster.  It’s that there is no electricity to make it work.
Deliberate creators often get hung up here.  We know the drill.  We know we’re attracting what we’re vibrating, but it’s just not always easy to take on 100% responsibility.  I know it’s hard.  Your mind is used to rattling off all kinds of thoughts that will prevent you from doing it, but until you decide it’s ALL you – not mostly you, not all you except when _______ , ALL YOU – you are not living fully in your power. Imagine what you could create if you did!
You can always tell when you’ve given your power away because every time you do you
feel crappy!  We have a tendency to want other people and circumstances to change when that happens.  But when you feel bad emotionally your thoughts are responsible for your pain, and the ONLY person who can change it is you.   In fact, the shocking truth is that when you allow someone else to change in order to make you feel better, you become more dependent on them and over time you will feel less and less empowered and less in touch with your own joy.
This is an incredibly hard lesson to learn and apply because there is relief in getting someone else to change to make you feel better.   But the bottom line is……If you want to feel absolutely amazing and free and powerful and in love with yourself, and create what you want in your life, the only way to do that is to take responsibility for how you feel, stop all attempts to get anyone to change anything,  and change your own thinking.  I know it seems impossible sometimes.  I’ve been there!
Last month my boyfriend and I broke up because I was feeling (well thinking really) that he would never fully commit to me.  I did lots of work on my thoughts and lots of scripting and pivoting and still I couldn’t get past the thought that our relationship wasn’t moving forward.  And believe me, I had lots of great evidence that it wasn’t going to and most of it was about him. So, in as loving a way as I could, I let go.  The weeks that followed were not easy.  But, the pain I felt over the break up was interspersed with moments of total freedom, clarity, empowerment and love.  And, I noticed that how I felt (whether it was desperately unloved and unwanted, or joyful, juicy, and eager for the opportunity before me) was solely dependent on my thinking.
Are there any areas in your life where you are feeling less than good or possibly even crappy?  Is there someone you are upset with that you want to change?  These are places in your life where you are letting your power drain away and you have an amazing opportunity to step more fully into the unlimited being that you are.  I’m going to let you know exactly how to do that in this series of posts.   For now, notice the places where you are giving your power away to the people and circumstances around you – and notice how it feels.  If you feel inspired to, please share what you notice here.  This journey is so much juicier when we take it together.
Love, bliss, and juiciness,

I know the universe is conspiring for our good. Let’s marinate in the juices of the eternal, YES!
I am completely authentic. I don't pretend to be what I am not. I am what I am, and I accept what I am. I am just like a flower, just like the ocean, just like the sun. I am just like me.


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