Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Day 7 - Represent Divine Bliss!

Being an amazing representation of Divine Bliss, Divine Blessings, Divine Best, Divine Love, Divine Appreciation, Divine Wealth and Divine and Perfect Order in my life  love, love, love here NOW and always in all ways is the MOST and I mean MOST important thing for me in my life now.  I AM committed.  I AM certain.  I AM passionate about being at ONE with this Divine Love vibration in every eternal, infinite moment of NOW now.  Whoo hoo!!!  So help me God.  So be it.  So it is.

What if I AM a re-present-ation of Divine Bliss and Divine Love and Divine and Perfect Order and the Glory of God?  How might that feel?  What might that look like?  What sort of experiences might I have?  How does it get any more blissful and blessed than this for me in my life, Mother/Father God and the Universe?  I know I AM sacred.  I know I AM loved and blessed beyond belief here, NOW and always in all ways by the Glory...Mother/Father God's Glory and Love.  YES!!!  YES!!!   YES!!!  I AM so very, very blessed.


As a re-present-ation of Divine Love, Bliss, Wealth, Perfection...well, I allow this energy to flow freely thought my being in order for me to be not just the Intender of the Highest Good, but a glorious, blissful, blessed representation of ALL the best of Divine Love, Divine Bliss, Divine Blessings and Divine and Perfect Order in my life I love, love, love here, now and always.  Whoo hoo!!!


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