Monday, July 25, 2011

Everything (including everyone) is Spiritual Energy, Divine Energy

either in potential or in form.  Thus, everything is Divine.  Everything is sacred.  Love it all.  I love it all.  Whoo hoo!!!

"If you judge people, you have no time to love them."
- Mother Teresa
Prayer: an inside out job
Prayer isn't about asking God to deliver your blessings.
It's about letting God know that you're ready to receive 'em.

Happy Monday FB prayer buddies!
You are blessed if . . . ♥•*´¨♥¸.• ♥ ´*.*♥¸.•

you wake up in a bed, and under a roof,

you can feel the warmth of the sun on your skin,

you have a friend,

you feel connected to something greater than yourself
(e.g., church, community, Creator),

you are loved by someone,

you love them, too,

you have faith and hope,

you are part of a family,

you are free,

you are able to work
(whether at a job, taking care of someone, gardening, etc),

you can see the stars in the heavens,

you believe in heaven,

you have the capacity to give something to others
(even if only a smile),

you are a living, breathing, feeling human being with a soul and a heart who therefore, has purpose, meaning, and worth.

Have you said a prayer of thanks today?
Oh, yeah – talking to God – that's another blessing! ♥ David L. Weatherford ♥•*´¨♥¸.• ♥ ´*.*♥¸.•dotsie
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Accept that you are always in the right place at the right time meeting the right people.
YOU are BEAUTIFUL, no matter what they say!!! I love you beyond words!
‎"Can you imagine what a state of mind without illusions is?" ~ A Course in Miracles
Real experiences of joy, ecstasy, and love can only be had in expanded or higher states of consciousness.
Today I am resting in God's arms......nothing to do, fix, figure out..........just love love love and enjoy the beauty of the day
Procrastination is not a sign that you should have your wrist slapped and whip yourself into shape to perform an action. Often procrastination is just your emotional reading on energy as it is lined up, and your awareness at some level of the futility of action that is not going to take you toward your goal.
- Abraham-Hicks -
Do something fun today! Even if it is just a little walk or short game. Boredom can lead to depression and apathy. Live BIG! Choose FUN!!
Determine the destination. Don’t worry about how you’re going to get there. Begin with the end in mind and a road will eventually appear. Your problem will have no choice but to be solved.
What do I wish my new money paradigm to be NOW?

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