Saturday, July 30, 2011

Being More Conscious About How I Use My "I AM..." To Be More In Alignment With Divine Truth

~ New Moon Focus today and last day of Night 4 of Entering the Universal Underworld ~ bring a focus to the Unity Grid and the beautiful twelfth Ray of One Unity Consciousness ~
I now find my Self on the Unity Grid of Light assisting the Company of Heaven, Light workers, Starseeded Ones, and Nature Intelligence in wrapping this Golden Flame of Unity Consciousness within and around this Earth plane,
I now assist in the healing of Mother Earth’s energy body, experiencing, sensing and merging into Oneness.
I now assist in taking this Golden Flame of Unity Consciousness into the hearts of all humanity, so they too may choose these keycodes of Divine Love and One Unity Consciousness.

I now assist in anchoring  the new etheric recodings of the 12 Strand DNA through the Christ Consciousness Grid of Light, so that all Life may experience their multidimensionality as Master Beings of Divine Love through the Cosmic
Heart of Mother/Father God.

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