Friday, July 29, 2011

Day 5 - Transmission From the Elders. Wonderful. They bid me a MOST Magical Day

How does it get any better/more blissful than this?

It is no longer necessary to experience old karmic patterns, and the new soul contracts are based simply on the experience of Love; experiencing our self as this sacred Master Being, as this care-taker and guardian to Mother Earth. I AM magnetizing and attracting those into our reality that truly see us, honor us, and appreciate us. This is happening now on a wider scale, as we are lifting our vibration and attracting more of those of like vibration and frequency.

It is important at this time to truly come into a sense of embracing all aspects of self, of truly loving and nurturing and honor Self as this Master Being, and with this, in lifting our vibration to have a look at what truly brings in the frequencies that 'create' a deeper level of Light within our Self and what is it that lessens this Light. 

Thank YOU, All THAT IS.  Divine TRUTH feels light.  Lies feel heavy.

We are presented with this opportunity to truly 'let go, let God' and to examine every area of our life: in terms of our food, in terms of our relationships, in terms of our daily activities and how this lifts our vibration or lowers it. 

These spiraling vortices of Light, are lifting us already in this Now into these higher dimensional frequencies. But further stability and balance is required.

In other words, sweet ones, as we hear or know or intuit places of distress on this earthplane or places of tectonic stress or increased natural disasters, we can connect to the Brotherhood of the Light, we can connect through this beautiful Solar Flame of Love and Wisdom, of balance, of purification, of manifestation, and assist in stabilizing the electromagnetic field of Mother Earth and also bring a deeper level of balance to our Self. 

Working with our Self, we can simply request to be placed in a Chamber of Light to balance the electromagnetic frequencies brought in by the Brotherhood of the Light. Experience this now. Requesting the three-dimensional rectangular grid of Light to be brought in by the Brotherhood of the Light. -- As this three-dimensional multi-colored laser grid of light is brought in, surround Self in this beautiful Copper-Gold Flame of Light. Ask for a recalibration of the chakras to the electromagnetic frequency that clears, that cleanses, that unifies and restores our wholeness, as we embrace all aspects of Self; bringing Self to a new level of balance and stability. -- Wonderful. 

There is this focus on Unity Consciousness, as we are collectively connecting more in this essence of Divine Love and Unity Consciousness through the amplified frequency too of the Eleventh Ray of "Illumined Truth" as it Overlights this year in this beautiful Pink-Orange Flame of Light, embracing the energy of the Divine Feminine. And so, this balancing between the Divine Feminine and the Divine Masculine continues, and these etheric karmic contracts too are dissolving these old contracts between the separation of men and women, abuse and misuse of power, and the dishonoring of the Goddess energy.
Within our selves, sweet ones, have a look at 'our' balancing.  Have a look at how we nurture and Love our Self, how we bring the Divine Feminine forward and balance it with the energy of the Divine Masculine. For many of us are needing to look at, firstly, issues of separation between men and women, and further to this, in finding our own balance; and with this, a point of stability between the Divine Feminine and the Divine Masculine aspects of our Self. For the energy of the sun and this Solar Ray further brings an aspect of sacred sexuality, of experiencing our relationships through this energy of sacred sexuality and the honoring of the Divine Feminine archetypes and the honoring of all Life.
For a moment now, just find our self back in this Ascension Seat within the Solar Core. - taken in Soul consciousness in this external merkaba vehicle of Light. - As we enter into this Ascension Seat and are surrounded in this beautiful, vibrant Copper-Gold Flam of Light, there is a further quality of manifestation, and a primary focus for the next eighteen days, is 'on' this quality of manifestation.
Have a look for a moment at what it is 'you' are intending to manifest, to co-create with the Company of Heaven and how you bring this into your reality.  
Connect through the energy of your I-AM Presence as you merge into this beautiful sacred, Divine Light of Who You Are within the Cosmic Heart of Mother-Father God. And, through your I-AM Presence, put out this call of what it is that you are wishing to manifest, to co-create in this Now.
Have a look at all those aspects of Self that need to change. Have a look at the frequency vibration of those around us, and those we would like to shift our relationships with, our circumstances. See if these are karmic contracts or soul contracts based on Love and Wisdom.
Again, if they are old karmic contracts, stating we will learn your lessons in pain or shame or separation, whatever it is - we cancel these contracts. Burning them NOW in this beautiful Copper-Gold Flame of Light. Create these new contracts, sweet ones, that will truly allow us to manifest all we need in this reality of Divine Love as this Keeper of the Flame of Divine Love.
Find our Self now on this Solar Grid of Light, connecting to the Solar Beings, all the Beings of Light working this Unity Grid from a solar level, connecting to all the planets within the solar system and experiencing the energy of the sun as the 'heart' center, bringing together the essence of all Life within this solar system in Divine Love and Unity consciousness. Feel this expanded state of consciousness within Self as we lift Self into this essence of Solar Light, as we now merge with our multi-dimensional Selves at this dimensional level.
NOW, we see how this beautiful Solar energy of Divine Love and Love-Wisdom is accelerating the consciousness of all Life within this solar system, as we bring these solar keycodes of Light through the Solar Grid onto this earthplane NOW through the Unity Grid of Light. -- Again, hold this focus as the Brotherhood of the Light bring in the orbs of Light, as we assist in stabilizing the electromagnetic field of Mother Earth and through this 'our' own body and energy field. -- As the chakras within Mother Earth are activated, this moves into all the leylines, crystal cities, sacred sites, merging through this Unity Grid, amplifying this crystalline structure of Light. Understand that as we put our attention on "doing" this, even if we don't think we know how or wonder if we are actually "doing" anything...KNOW WE ARE!  And so it is!  YES!!!
NOW as we bring stability and balance to this earth plane, find  Self in this crystalline city of Light above the Great Pyramid. There is an alignment of Light that takes us through this crystalline city through the Great Pyramid, into the sun, into the Pleiades, into Sirius, and into Orion. This alignment of Light through this crystalline city of Light now, merges these timelines of your 'Highest Potential' in the knowing of our Self as an initiate of Light, through the timelines primarily of ancient Egypt and Atlantis.
As we experience these merging timelines, see Self as this Flame of Divine Love, choosing to be of service to Mother Earth and all her Life in the knowing of Self as a Star Being, in the knowing of Self as this Master Being. Bring in all we are needing to amplify our frequency and manifest for us in this NOW this reality of One-Unity Consciousness through these merging timelines, in which 'you' have experienced self-mastery.  I HAVE experienced Self-mastery.
Find Self NOW back on the Unity Grid of Light, connected to the Lightworkers and to the Beings of Light from On High, assisting in this ascension process through the Unity Grid of Light.  As we again work through this holographic Crystalline Matrix of Light and continue to anchor and experience this Planetary Crystalline Vibration of Divine Love, taking on these keycodes of Light, further activating the DNA to allow for these new encodings of Light, to be activated on 11-11-11. 
-- Wonderful.
We honor you as these magical Master Beings and Keepers of Light to Mother Earth and all her Life. And with this, we bid you a most magical day.
I AM a magical Master Being and Keeper of Light to Mother Earth and all her Life.
As I begin to more and more re-cognize how big a gift and contribution to the world I truly AM, I allow the Universe to flow all the wealth my name on it through me in the easiest and most blissful ways that may even be beyond my belief for me knowing that I AM rich and wealthy NOW.  I AM prospered by the Universe.  I AM Blessed with all God's Best...always and all ways.  Thank YOU!!!

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