Sunday, July 24, 2011

July 22nd Day 1 of 111

On July 22, 2011 I decided to begin this 111 day journey which ends on 11.11.11.

This journey is about knowing that by 11.11.11 I will reach my destination of experiencing myself more as my Divine Self because I plan on putting as much attention in mental, emotional, spiritual and physical on me as already knowing...already being in Spirit my Divine and Perfect self.

Part of this is about deciding that I really am going to see me as already having Divine Wealth Consciousness.  That I AM going to be vigilant about correcting the mistaken thinking that anything is my SOURCE of wealth except Divine Love Intelligence, Mother/Father God, the Universe. 

That I will see I already have everything.  So if I need something then it will somehow come into my life for my enjoyment.

In other words also be vigilant about counting my blessings.  All begins in Spirit.  All is Spirit.  Spirit in form whether a thought or a physical projection/manifestation.  In other words then I have infinite blessings because I have everything that God has.  I have my own Kingdom, which is my Consciousness.  My consciousness is my currency.  And my physical body temple is always in Divine and Perfect Order if I will but perceive this truth and not let myself be tricked into thinking any other truth is the truth.

And so a part of me was feeling like nothing much really is happening this year...the year when I earlier did my Bliss Project during lent.  My year of jubilee as Joel Osteen put it.  And yet: I got new floors.  Our electricity was fixed.  I got to go to my son's wedding.  I am most likely going to Nicaragua.  My relationship with Manny is going to go to a new level (although my relationship with everyone and everything, including myself, God and the Universe, the Archangels, in other words everyone is going to a new level) because I have committed myself to Impeccability.  I have committed myself to seeing everything as divine, as Sacred.  Every moment as Divine.  Every moment I AM blessed to be in the Presence of THE Presence.  Always.

So on day 2 when we went to buy our new bed, I found myself thinking in the old ways about how that is a lot of money for a bed, blah, blah, blah only to realize that I deserve this.  We (Manny and me) deserve this.  And we are wealthy.  We can afford it.  Yes!  YES!  YES!!!  And the mattress pad.  Whoo hooo!!!  Who would of thought there is a technology for having a perfect sleeping body temperature.  Whoo hoo!!!  THANK YOU!

And now today, Day 3, I had a dream where I realized that I have a fear of being punished.  I don't know how much I want to try to elaborate on this, but how interesting?  And I know I can let it go.  YES!!!  I know consciously that God does not punish.  Instead the spiritual laws are very fair.  What you put in is what you put out.  What is there to fear about that, when you think about it?  Put in love and you get love.  Punishment doesn't ever enter into the equation.

I also think it is interesting that my nephew got married on July 22nd.  That it was very important for whatever reason for this to happen for them on this day. 

This year: this 111 day journey continues to be about the simple instruction:
Declare the TRUTH of God's Word over every area of my life.  For this is the Divine TRUTH of who I AM here and NOW and always already.  As I do, I AM putting Divine TRUTH in and so my life MUST become a beautiful expression of Divine TRUTH.

I choose Divine Truth.  I choose Divine Bliss.  I choose to be love.  I choose to express love.  I choose to Tell the Truth, the WHOLE Divine TRUTH and ONLY the TRUTH. me...Mother/Father God.  And I know that Mother/Father God are helping me and loving me every moment...with me every moment.  That my intention is divine and sacred and very, very important to the Universe, all the Legions of Light and Love.  And I AM truly blessed beyond belief in every glorious, Present, Eternal MOMENT of NOW!  YES!!!  Whoo hoo!!!

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