Sunday, July 31, 2011

I communicate with others NOW from the space of Divine Love interacting with Divine Love

I love sharing my Divine Career with the world.
I love the way I AM.  I love that I AM ALL THAT I AM.
I love the special qualities I bring to my Divine Career.
I communicate with others from the space of my Divine Magnificence interacting with their Divine Magnificence.  That I may simply be helping them remember who they are.  What they do with it is up to them.  And I AM open to receiving all the glorious ways my spiritual siblings may wish to show their appreciation for our interactions.  No strings to the gifts.  Simply I appreciate this interaction and to an extent me and this is my way of showing you my appreciation.  I love that I allow...I let it be whatever it will be for however long it will be trusting in Divine and Perfect Order and the wisdom of The Universe and Mother/Father God...ALL THAT IS.  Whoo hoo!!!

I give others credit by ONLY seeing and perceiving them as their Divine Truth Child of God Magnificent Selves.  Thus all of our energy exchanges are simply God in the presence of God.  Love in the presence of Love.  Light in the presence of Light.  Brilliance in the presence of Brilliance.  Bliss in the presence of Bliss.  When I connect with my spiritual siblings in the place in them that is their Divine Perfect Child of God self, there is no need to worry about approval, like or dislike, etc.  From this level there is only love, honor and respect for our Divine Truth.

I AM shining with my true gifts and talents.  My Divine Career that I love, love, love NOW is as an angel representing Divine Truth Love Light Perfection Bliss Beauty Blessings Glory Appreciation Wealth Wholeness Whoo hoo!!! Mahalo!  Mahalo!  Mahalo! 

I celebrate Divine Truth.  Whoo hoo!!!

How does it get any better/more blissful than this?  YES!

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