Monday, July 25, 2011

July 25 - SEE IT! See I AM already Bliss Blessed...All THAT GOD IS NOW!

Divine Truth Teller.
Tell the TRUTH every moment (regardless of the so-called physical "facts") my Physical Body Temple is always flowing and glowing with Divine Perfect Well-Being...Bliss, Beauty, Blessings and Love.  Whoo hoo!  I love this.  I love my physical body temple.  Whoo hoo!!!

This makes me blessed, blessed, blessed every moment.
Every moment is divine and sacred, sacred, sacred.
Everyone and everything is Divine and sacred, sacred, sacred NOW.
My life is in Divine and Perfect Order.
Everything and anyone who ever needs to show up in my MUST!

My life is in Divine and Perfect Order NOW.  All that IS Gods's IS Mine NOW to enjoy and share.
I AM so blessed then.  Blessed.  Blessed.  Blessed.  Thank YOU.  Thank YOU.  Thank YOU.
I LOVE, Love, Love My Bliss Blessed B'loved Beautiful Life NOW, NOW, NOW!  Whoo hoo!  Thank YOU!

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