Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Day 6 - How Does It Get More Blissful Than This?

Last night...appreciating being blessed, blessed, blessed and listened to Emmanuel's radio show on gratitude and learned about access consciousness.

Ask the question and receive.  I know the Universe loves me.  I know the Universe blesses me.  I know the Universe sees me as sacred and Divine in every  moment.  So in each moment that I AM feeling bliss and blessed I ask the Universe to please show me: "How does it get more blissful than this?"

And then I with loving arms am open to receive with appreciation the answers to this question I posed to my beloved Universe.  I embrace the answers with love and appreciation.  And I AM thrilled to know that I AM able to ask this question and know it is immediately answered by the Universe. 

Let myself feel how much more blissful than this I may feel and be so very, very open to how my life will unfold in my physical realm because (be open to every and any way this bliss wishes to show up for me in my amazing, wonderful, seemingly magical life) I AM allowing the Universe to show me "How does it get more blissful than this?"


Thank you!


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