Friday, July 29, 2011


I can't lose my career.  I AM never unemployed by God.  I have a unique function here in the physical.  Me, being the being Mother/Father God made me to be.  The form doesn't matter.  I AM a Minister of God.  Surrender my talent.  Use my talents God on behalf of the Bliss of This Heaven on Earth.  Lift my life up to Divine Right Order into the Clear Divine Love Light of God.  I open my heart and ask Mother/Father God to use me as is their loving intent to do so.  My real wealth is my power of God within me.  I AM already rich.  I AM strong.  I AM blessed.  I AM BLISS.  I AM B'loved.  I AM BEautiful.  I AM the Glory of God in Perfect Expression.  I no longer resist this truth of me.  To live on this earth but to think the thoughts of Heaven/of ONEness.  How can my talents be used by Mother/Father God and the Universe to make this Heaven on Earth more Blissful and Divine.  Be a space for the ultimate possibilities of Divine Love flowing through me.

I AM Priceless.  I AM a treasure.  I AM the Glory of Creation.  This is not bragging.  This is humble.  For when I remember/re-cognize who I AM in Divine Truth, these statements are being humble.

In God there is no end to new beginnings.  The new beginnings in God's realm do not diminish as I get older.

I don't care...just show me how I may serve you Mother/Father God.  The Universe is set up to give me what I need.  Somehow I don't really feel that the Universe really needs anything from me but love and appreciation.  However, I will ask the question?  Mother/Father God and the Universe, if there is something/anything moment-to-moment you need from me besides my love, trust, recognition, appreciation and testimony to how infinite and eternal and magnificent YOUR energy, love and blessings are...please do not hesitate.  Truly!  I AM ready.  I AM committed to being 100% impeccable.  Thank YOU!  I love YOU!

So...we ordered the Sleep Number Bed and were told to expect it by today, actually.  No panic that it hasn't shown up yet. 

Use this example.  If I intend it (in essence ordered it in spirit) it is going to manifest for me in physical expression in the perfect time and the perfect way.  In other is coming.  I have it in Spirit...own it in it in spirit and appreciate it in spirit and I trust God and the Universe so much NOW that I know it will and it does show up for me PerfectTime/PerfectPlace in Physical projection and expression.  Whoo hoo!!!
It is very important to not base present expectations on past experiences. This could damage beneficial outcome. Move forward unencumbered by baggage from the past.

This includes money. 
Once you make a decision to get well, one you make a decision to have more energy, once you make a decision to get really committed to anything, God helps you.  But until you get committed, there is a chance for hesitancy. 
Where is the hesitancy, wondering, doubt or fear that’s controlling your life?  Go ahead, get committed, make a decision and let God help you.
Here's To Commitment,
Here's to downloading more divine love through my being.  Here's to detach from my identifying with my SELF in any way but ways that are aligned with Divine Truth.

Seems also that I may and desire to get over feeling like it is bad or wrong or I will get in trouble for having my body touched and admired.  Judgments and Conclusions.  My body is what God says it is in Teachings of the Masters Vol. 4.  My body is spirit.  My body is love.  My body is beautiful.  My body deserves to be appreciated and loved.  Let my self be touched.  Let my self love my body.  Let my self appreciate my body.  Let my self feel blessed to have this body that allows me to enjoy all the many different experiences in physical manifestation.

I AM blessed.

I intend the Highest Good.

I intend that when 11/11/11 rolls around that I will be an expression of what I intended to be according to my Divine Plan.

I love, love, love, love, love ALL THAT IS and Divine Truth and enjoying and appreciating and loving Divine Truth in my life now and strengthening my perception of everything as Divine...seeing like Divine Love Truth.  I love, love, love, love, love that I AM now on God's payroll and God is my employer.  YES!!!

I AM Bliss.
I AM Blessed.
I AM Beautiful.
I AM B'Loved.
I AM Divine.
Mahalo.  More Please.

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