Friday, August 5, 2011


Not allowing myself to flow unlimited wealth through my being and my life is not being a Divine Truth Teller and denying part of my divinity.  God is unlimited wealth.  As a child of God, then I must also be unlimited wealth.  To say I AM anything but divine unlimited wealth IS lying IS sensing and with other worldly consciousness.  I choose to sense, perceive and be a Divine TRUTH TELLER always NOW.

Not allowing myself to flow unlimited and perfect well-being through my being and my life is not being a Divine Truth Teller and denying part of my divinity.  GOD is perfect and free-flowing Well-Being.  As a child of God, then I must be and I AM perfect and free-flowing Well-Being ALWAYS and in ALL WAYS in every Divine, eternal, present moment NOW.  To say I AM anything but this is lying.  I choose to sense, perceive and be a Divine TRUTH TELLER always NOW. 

In God’s world there is more than enough for all.  My money does not take away from anyone else.

Here’s me lovingly NOW asking the Universe: “How does it get any better…more blissful and blessingful than this for me and ALL THAT IS?”

I allow my SELF to be open to receiving and enjoying having enough so I may be one of the great engineers of society.  I allow myself to want what I want. I allow my SELF to desire what is my Divine Plan for my life.  I allow my self my Divine career.  I AM here on this planet as a personal ambassador of God.  I AM here, my primary function, is to be the man or woman God would love for me to be…the man or woman God created me to be.

I ask Mother/Father God, the Universe and ALL THAT IS, “Where would you like me to go?  What would you love for me to do?  What would you love for me to say?  Flow your love through me.” 

I can’t lose my career.  I AM never unemployed by God.  I have a unique function.  Only I may play my function.  The form doesn’t matter.  What matters is not the form, the form is simply the ministry…ministers of God…our task is to surrender our abilities and talents and ask God to work through me to use them (I surrender…I lift them up to Divine Right Order…Divine Perfect Order)  anything is possible.  Miracles occur naturally.  Use me Mother/Father God.  Anything can happen this day…this moment.  

Why?  My real wealth is the power of God within me.  I AM already rich.  God’s reality does define me.
I expand my thinking to include this TRUTH.

Here’s me lovingly NOW asking the Universe: “How does it get any better…more blissful and blessingful than this?”

Taking my bills into the ultimate, infinite possibilities…into the ethers…in this moment I AM awake.  I AM leaning on Marianne Williamson’s faith.  I AM different than I was when I created those bills. This is why we share our faith with each other.

In this moment as I awaken to the Divine Probability of this moment because I AM here on a mission…to live in this world while thinking the thoughts of Heaven…of oneness.  How can my ability and talent…how can I be used by God to make this world a more beautiful place?

How can I be a transformative space for ALL THAT IS?

It may be downloaded through me that I may be of use.  As this occurs we activate the Divine Law of Compensation.

Here’s me lovingly NOW asking the Universe: “How does it get any better…more blissful and blessingful than this?”

There are never diminished resources in God’s world…comes from out of the blue.  Comes from looking at God.

We are getting up…I AM ALWAYS fully employed because I AM a child of God.  I AM priceless.  I AM a treasure.  I AM the Glory of Creation and this is humble. 

Here’s me lovingly NOW asking the Universe: “How does it get any better…more blissful and blessingful than this?”

When I say “God use me?” I AM employed.  Mother/Father God and the Universe are my employers…are my SOURCE of all my wealth…all my bliss…all my blessings…by breath, my sustenance…my love, my beauty…everything I can absorb any loss because in God’s wealth…there is an infinite amount of zero’s (with a one in front of it, of course).  What we need to say goodbye to is:  forgetting who we are in Divine Truth.

Do I spread love and excellence that I uplift the vibration? 

For God there is no end to new beginnings unto all time.  The new beginnings in God’s realm do not diminish as we get older.

My reality and my experience are defined by me.

God sees me as ageless, timeless, grace and fineness, beauty and elegance.  I AM infinite and eternal.
I AM heir to the laws that rule the world that I identify with.  I identify with the World of Spirit, every renewable presence and the world of love.  I don’t care…make me who YOU, God, created me to be.
The Universe is set up to give me what I need. 

I AM lifted to a field of infinite possibility.

Join in thoughts of miracles, love, bliss, blessings and infinite possibilities.

Stand on the rock of God’s worldly reality.


There will be something about the way we interact that gives them hope and uplift them.
MY/OUR, Mother Father God’s, best is here with me NOW.  Every moment our best is better and better and better.  How does it get any better?  I love that I AM a miracle.  My life is a miracle.  My life is continuous experiences of miracles.  And I know that as awesome and miraculous as all of this is, that this is who everyone is.

The miracles extend outward to bless the entire world.  YES!!!  God Bless.  May the blessings be.
God Bless ALL THAT IS.

Here’s me lovingly NOW asking the Universe: “How does it get any better…more blissful and blessingful than this?”

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