Saturday, August 20, 2011

This Big Brilliant Bliss Light Divine of Mine...I LET IT SHINE...ALL THE TIME. I AM DIVINE! YES!!!

Me...always...shining blasts o'bliss divine love light like the sun to all
Me out of judgment and conclusions...showing up simply as the beautiful, blessed, big, brilliant, bountiful bliss light Divine of Mine I AM always.  Wahoo!  YES!!!  Mahalo!

I AM choosing to be my beautiful Divine Being Self in every moment.  Anything out of harmony with that I may give my attention to, I destroy and uncreate it all.  Divine Truth.  Divine Truth.  Divine Truth.  That is all I agree with NOW.  In my self and everyone...for we are all connected, Yes? 

Would an infinite being _________?

Find every reason to be BLISS, blasts o'bliss Divine Light Energy shining brilliantly.  One of the 10,000 changing the face of the world.

Divine SOURCE is the Source of my wealth.  And I AM lavishly, divinely and bountifully supported by ALL THAT IS now.  I AM always perfect place/perfect time.

Dia 20 de 5X90 compromisos- Se te respetan solo cuando te respetas a ti!
I am committed to be my beauty
I am committed to go for what I want without shame
I am committed to catch the bouquets the universe keeps throwing at me
I am committed to speak my calling out loud
I am committed to let go of hiding what I want via loving ME!
Allow love, trust and total surrender to flood your being until they have become part of all you are.
Smiling or laughing for no good reason at all is one of the best reasons to laugh or smile :)))))))

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