Wednesday, August 10, 2011

bliss blessed beloved billionaire bjork HOW Does it get any better than this?

wondering where it is going to come from.  is that the energy of having it?  Everywhere I wonder where it is going to come from will I release, delete and uncreate that here and now in all directions of space and time?  YES!  right wrong good bad all9 pod pocs shorts boys and beyonds

"Go confidently in the direction of your dreams. Live the life you have imagined."
~Henry David Thoreau #SageOfTheDay
 what if it isn't about the money...what if it is more about what I am willing to be and receive?
what if the universe actually likes me and is doing everything it can to support me...please let me through your door?
have money just be a choice
would an infinite being learn or would an infinite being know?  so everything I've learned about money is a limitation
if i had no problems what would happen?
does problem make you feel lighter or heavier?  what if the whole idea around the concept of problem is such a huge lie?
what if you have no money problem?
first step in money is having no point of view about it
i love knowing that if I am a billionaire (and I AM) so is Manny and so is everyone.  Whoo hoo!!!
interesting point of view...interesting point of view...interesting point of view
how does it get any better?  what else is possible?
people judge what they are not willing to receive and be
they have to go to judgment in order to create separation if they are not willing to be in receiving and being
oneness is always happening...we are all totally connected...
judgments actually create what is being willing to receive how people are judging you actually creates more of it.  what if you just stepped into the judgment and wiggles your little a-bun-dance at it
wanting it now---truth is I have it now as soon as I say I AM or I have...I have it in spirit and physical is simply spirit in form.

Honor all money that shows up.  All of it.
acknowledge every infinite gift so I may begin to have more
universe functions from total abundance
quantum entanglements - I may whisper to them and they will deliver ten billion fold
living in the question
i always knew I was going to be very, very, very wealthy no matter what it looks matter what it takes
time to give up the idea that i have a problem.  Hi I am Lori and I have no problems.  What would that be like?
We know problems are a lie because they make us feel heavy?
if my point of view is that money is a problem I am actually whispering to the quantum entanglements that money is a problem and asking them to create this for me in my life
judgment locks what I am judging in place
what is it going to take for this to shift and change
I don't need to know what it is going to take, simply ask what it will take and expect it will and say so long to whatever it is
everywhere I make choices to validate other's poverty will I uncreate that?  YES!  Everyone is rich even if they don't understand this is the Divine Truth of them.
how does this get easier?  how does it get more fun?  
what would it take for this to be easier, more fun, generate more money, be for the highest good?
what would it take for my billion dollars to show up today?
you got to choose to ask the questions
how can i create something people will actually act on
and we ask yes/no and yes/no and what is lighter is what we go with
my awareness is I can have money...this is Divine Truth...'cuz of course God has money and I am God's child
money is actually a choice
choosing great and being great does not have anything to do with being superior...when I show up as me, my Divine Self, I AM an example of what is possible

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