Friday, August 5, 2011

Leting it go like the old mattress

With the assistance of the quantum elements, the legions of light, and all that is true and wholly in spiritual divine truth, I vow...I commit...I AM...I have let go of my poverty consciousness in the same way when we received the new mattress...floating on air...adjustable for my comfort...glorious dream machine...we put the old mattress on the curb to be carried away and transmuted into the light and love of all that is.  Let...I allow with all your assistance (and I delete and uncreate anything unlike wealth consciousness right wrong good bad all9 poc pod shorts boys and beyonds)...the new mattress to be my symbol, my touchstone of allowing myself to represent Divine Truth and Divine Truth as it concerns wealth...unlimited wealth forever flowing freely in my life like my free breathing.  YES!!!  YES!!!  YES!!!  Wahoo!!!  Mahalo!!!  More please!!!

I AM so open every moment NOW to be wowed by the Universe and ALL THAT IS!  Welcome to my new career as ambassador of Divine Love Light Intelligence and Divine Truth.

How does it get any better/more blissful than this for me and for all in my beautiful life I love, love, love?  Wahoo!!!  I love YOU!!!  Mahalo.  More please!!!  YES!!!!  I AM always in every glorious eternal moment of NOW blessed, blessed, blessed with bliss and all the best of God's love, wealth and treasures in consciousness and in physical projection.  I love this!  I love this about me and my life!  I love this is true for ALL.  Wahoo!!!  I love You!!!  Mahalo.  More please!!!  YES!!!  YES!!! YES!!!

How do I wish to show up in my life now?

What am I refusing to receive in order to prove I don't deserve?  Everything that brings up will I destroy and uncreate here and now in all dimensions of time and space forever more?  YES, I AM NOW!  YES!!!  right wrong good bad all9 pod pocs shorts boys and beyonds

What con-textural reality am I using in order to reject money?  Everything that brings up will I destroy and uncreate here and now in all dimensions of time and space forever more?  YES, I AM NOW!   YES!!!   right wrong good bad all9 pod poc shorts boys and beyonds

As I ask a question I get to have more possibilities.  AS I stay in answers I limit.

If all I did was ask questions I'd have all the money I intended...all the money that is mine in Divine Truth...right now.

What questions do I ask?
A good one.
What would it take for me to have more money than I can spend in spirit and physical projection but never enough always in every divine eternal present moment of NOW?  Everything, everything and I mean EVERY spec of a spec of a vibration that is not in perfect alignment with me having more money than I may spend in spirit and physical projection but never enough always in every divine eternal present infinite moment of here and now  that doesn't allow this will I destroy and uncreate here and now in all dimensions of time and space forever more?  YES, I AM NOW!   YES!!!  right wrong good bad all9 pod poc shorts boys and beyonds
Everything that doesn't allow hundreds and thousands and more dollars to show up for me NOW in ways that delight ways that I wouldn't have expected because I may perceive I am sitting here with no money and BOOM  here comes thousands of dollars showing up for me so that I AM right back to being in the place of having thousands of dollars here and NOW especially since I understand on a divine truth level that this money is mine was always mine and all Divine wealth is always mine to ask for, expect, have delivered to me with ease and grace and bliss anytime/anywhere..will I destroy and uncreate here and now in all dimensions of time and space forever more?  YES, I AM NOW!   YES!!!  YES!!!  YES!!! right wrong good bad all9 pod pocs shorts boys and beyonds
Yes!!  YES!!!  YES!!!!  A Godzillion times YES!
Especially since on some level I understand that the moment I align with this in my Mental and Emotional Body as Divine Truth...then I already HAVE it.  This is where TRUE having occurs.  Thus, this must become my physical projection with my beloved Universe taking care of the HOW details.  YES!!!

Will I destroy and uncreate here and now in all dimensions of time and space forever more any and all limitations I may have placed on the Universe on how or when MY MONEY (because in Divine Truth my money, my billion dollars, my Divine wealth and MY MONEY now...I already have it...always have) can show up for me, be brought to me, be given to me with ease, bliss and grace in this moment and every moment today?  YES, I AM NOW!!!  It is done.  YES!!!  YES!!!  YES!!!  A Gazillion times YES!!!!  Thank you.

How can this and How can the next moment...the next minute...the next can today turn out to be a gazillion times better than anything I could have ever imagined or planned?  Everything that doesn't allow this will I destroy and uncreate here and now in all dimensions of time and space forever more?  YES, I AM NOW!   So be it.  It is done.  YES!!!  Times a Godzillion YES!!!  right wrong good bad all9 pod pocs shorts boys and beyonds.  Wahoo!!!

How can I be and identify myself as more of my True Divine Self that I know is who I truly AM in well-being and wealth and ability and bliss and blessings and the like this moment...the next minute...the next better than anything I imagined or planned or expected?  Everything that doesn't allow this will I destroy and uncreate here and now in all dimensions of time and space forever more?  YES, I AM NOW! So be it.  It is done.  YES!!!  Times a Godzillion YES!!!  right wrong good bad all9 pod pocs shorts boys and beyonds.  Wahoo!!!

Everything that has me thinking, feeling, cognizing, believing, perceiving and the like that I must somehow be this being of perfection in manifestation (when in truth I AM a being of perfection in Divine Truth...get it I already AM this here and now and always in all ways...I AM all that I AM already) before any money before the Universe will bring/gift me money here and now...this moment...this and everyday in glorious, blissful ways I love will I destroy and uncreate ALL of this here and NOW in all dimensions of time and space forever more with ease and grace and bliss and be thrilled, thrilled, thrilled to send this energy packing forever more...all of AM FREE of it forever?  YES!!  YES!!!  YES!!! A Godzillion times YES!!!  right wrong good bad all9 pod pocs shorts boys and beyonds.  Wahoo!!!  YES!!!  So be it.  It is done.  Thank you!!

Everything that has me thinking, feeling, perceiving and the like that I must somehow know or understand what the energy above is before I AM allowed to let it go forever more  and I mean EVERYTHING... will I destroy and uncreate here and now in all dimensions of time and space forever more?  YES!!!  YES!!!  YES!!!  A Godzillion times YES!!!  right wrong good bad all9 pod pocs shorts boys and beyonds.  Wahoo!!!  YES!!!   So be it.  It is done. Thank you!!!

What awareness of the abundance, gold, infinite receiving, infinite receiving, knowing and being am I refusing that if I would choose it would change all realities and non realities and manifest as the awareness of the abundance infinite receiving, perceiving, knowing and being and receiving that I truly be? Everything that doesn't allow that will I destroy and uncreate it all here and NOW?  YES!  YES!  YES!  A Godzillion times YES!!!  right wrong good bad all9 pod pocs shorts boys and beyonds  YES! So be it.  It is done.  Wahoo!!!


The way I get to see out of my own box is by asking questions.

What contextural reality am I using in order to refuse receiving?  right wrong good bad all9 pod poc shorts boys and beyonds
Everything that doesn't allow me to perceive, know, be and receive the infinite abundance of money that I be will I destroy and uncreate that?  YES!  So be it.  It is done.  right wrong good bad all9 pod poc shorts boys and beyonds

what if i receive money like i receive nature?
What if I receive money life I receive each breath I enjoy?

we tend to make receiving so significant, which makes receiving really messed everything we've done to make receiving significant, heavy, etc.  am I willing to destroy and uncreate here and now in all dimensions of time and space forever more?
right wrong good bad all9 pod pocs shorts boys and beyonds

if it's not's not right.  Truth feels light.

in the ask and you shall receive there is no how...

not my job to figure out how...i can turn in my how hat and give it to the Universe.  I don't wear the how hat anymore.  That is the Universe's job.

What if I began asking for everything I would love to have in my life and expecting it shows up for me on a proverbial silver platter as if the Universe is like room service...the most amazing, ultimate, I love and appreciate YOU Universe room service
would I be willing to place all my orders and not negate them with judgments and conclusions?  YES!!!  YES!!!  YES!!!  A Godzillion times YES!!!  Will I destroy and uncreate here and now in all dimensions of time and space forever more EVERYTHING that has me feeling or perceiving I can't or am not allowed to ask for and expect to be GIVEN everything I'd love to have or enjoy in my life?  YES!!  YES!!!  YES!!!!  A Gazillion times YES!!!  right wrong good bad all9 pod poc shorts boys and beyonds.  Oh yeah!  YES! So be it.  It is done.  Wahoo!!!  I love my life.  I love me.  I love all that is.  I love money.  I love, love, love, love, love

Literally having points of view about money is not in my best interest.
Be like a little kid.
The never ending I do not hear no.  I ONLY hear, perceive and Understand the answer to my request is YES!!!!  A big, beautiful, blissful YES!  YES Lori we love, love, love You so much.  We see who you really are in Divine Truth as one of Mother/Father God's beloved, blessed, beautiful children.  Think of how hard it is to say YES to any cute child, what makes you think it would be easy for us to say "No" to you or that we ever would be allowed to say "no" to you even if we desired to.  It is our joy and pleasure to say YES to you always...always...get it...that means every time and always in all ways. 

Everything I've done to make the "no" real so I could "grow up"  will I destroy and uncreate here and now in all dimensions of time and space forever more?  YES!  right wrong good bad all9 pod pocs shorts boys and beyonds.  Oh yeah!  So be it.  So it is.  Wahoo!!!

Everywhere I've decided I am not going to ask 'cuz I don't wish to hear no, everything that brings up will I destroy and uncreate it all here and now in all dimensions of time and space forever more?  YES!  YES times a Godzillion.  right wrong good bad all9 pod poc shorts boys and beyonds.  Oh yeah!  So be it.  So it is done.  Wahoo!!!

The first 10% of everything goes to me as an honoring of the divine me awesome being I AM.  Remember, I AM so loved and blessed by all that is that I have been invited to sit on Lord Melchizedek's Ascension Seat.  I AM.  I AM ALL THAT I AM!

I never spend the 10% I just have it.

I begin having money.  I begin feeling easy and great about having money.  I begin to carry at least $1000 in my wallet I don't spend.  I begin identifying myself as a beautiful, beloved, blissful, blessed billionaire divinely supported with ease and grace by the entire Universe.  All of the resources of the Divine Universe and the Legions of Light are at my disposal to enjoy and love.  I AM...I have stepped into the vibration of having money and having a billion dollars before it shows up which is my Divine TRUE birthright vibration.  The vibration I was always meant to always occupy and aligned with.  YES!!!  Thank you!  Mahalo!  More please.

Wow!  I have more money than I can spend but never enough.  The never enough keeps me asking for more...'cuz who has more money than they can spend.  YES!  I have more money than I can spend but never enough.  Wahoo!!!  I love, love, love that I NOW have more money than I can spend in spirit and in physical projection yet never enough...YES!!!  Mahalo!  More please!  More please is a question to the Universe...a request, if you will, to continue flowing to me, through me, for me for my bliss and blessingful life.  Thank YOU!  Mahalo!  More please!

If I allow myself to receive an abundance of money with great ease, how different is my life?
Everything that doesn't allow that will I destroy and uncreate it all?  You betcha baby!  right wrong good bad all9 pod pocs shorts boys and beyonds   Thanks.  So be it!  So it is done!

I have the capacity to change people's realities with all this abundance.  YES!  Wahoo!!!

I receive money with ease now.  Awesome.  How does it get any better/blissful/blessingful?  Wahoo!!!  Happy.  Bliss.  Blessed.  Beloved.  Mahalo.  Mahalo.  Mahalo.  More Please?  Yes!  Happy Happy Bliss Blessed Beloved.  Mahalo.  Mahalo.  Mahalo.  Mahalo.  More Please?  YES!  And so goes the loop of my life.  without resistance to the physical projection form...with full allowing and full blissful receiving of the physical projected form of this glorious loop knowing and being confident that they are always in perfect awesome glorious divine alignment with my glorious vibration of divine wealth, divine bliss...and that it is somehow always better than before...because I continue to feel and be "Mahalo.  More please?  How does it get better, more blissful, more blessingful?  Wahoo!!!"  YES!!!

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