Friday, August 12, 2011

even though i already have

Affirmation of the day: We are open and receptive to receiving the abundance all around us.
I AM a beautiful infinite being NOW who gets to choose what is perfect and divine for me
What would it take 4 this 2 shift and change?
44:44 breathing energy and asking questions / money owed to me and simply money that is mine already i didnt allow myself to receive and money the universe tried to get me 2 receive that I refused 46:20
what energy can i be 2 change this?​hp?note_id=141352882618836

Dear Friends, Perhaps some of you could do with a little reminder:  Be careful not to fill up every moment of your life with "stuff": things to think about, to react against, to worry about, be upset about, regret or even look forward to..... There's more... to life than all that. You don't have to stop being busy, stop doing things, but you can intersperse your life with brief moments of presence. For example now. Become alert. Aware of your surroundings, of your sense perceptions. At this moment, allow everything to be as it is. Then become aware that there is an awareness here, a consciousness,  and that THAT is more truly who you are than anything else. That's it.  A moment of presence. So don't believe your mind next time it tells you that you are too busy for presence. Be well.  With love,  Eckhart. See More

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