Tuesday, August 23, 2011

conscious intention - focus on what you choose and where you are going?

Mother/Father God and All That Is, please help me play my bliss game full out today and everyday.  Thank you.  I love you.

Focus on what I choose and where I desire to go?  Bliss...Bliss...Bliss...and more Bliss Divine along with a heaping helpin' of Divine Truth Love Light Energy.  YES!!!!  Wahoo!!!

the only part able to make this choice and change in a real way is going with your heart...my heart is full with so much abundant love.  What do I choose to feel?  Say it out loud three times as if I am already there.  I AM open to using my conscious imagination.  Imagine right now I AM nature's peace.  That's who I AM.  Just see myself being in my nature of bliss.  Really feel myself in this land of I AM bliss.  Infinite love and gratitude.

begin to create a portal to guide your reactive mind to react in a whole new way.
Regardless of feeling frustration, I AM now agreeing to feel a breath of fresh air.  INfinite love and gratitude.  I AM now agreeing to choose ________________
I AM now choosing to feel ____________________
Infinite love and gratitude.
I AM now safe feeling _______________________
Infinite love and gratitude
I am okay that there is a part of me who keeps forgetting that feeling of _____________ is a choice in each and every life circumstance.
Infinite love and gratitude.
I AM okay that there is a reactive, frustrated part of me who has never chosen to feel ______________
Infinite love and gratitude
I AM okay that there is a part of me who has never felt supported like I AM right now feeling ___________
Infinite love and gratitude
I AM _________________
I AM ___________________- its my nature
I AM _____________________
Infinite love and gratitude
I AM ____________________
I AM ____________
Love is my nature
Infinite love and gratitude
I have an entirely new consciousness blue print that is influencing my mind and body.

I AM infinite love and gratitude.

I AM safe and supported to be my authentic self.
Infinite love and gratitude.
My name is Lori and today I AM choosing to bring out my very best and shine like the sun by being 100% ready, willing, able, safe, worthy, supported and downright deserving to own my power...awaken my soul, with infinite love and gratitude...be feeling ____________________.  NOW and forever regardless of how painful, scary or stressful life is, has been or will be I AM infinite love and gratitude.  Love is my nature.  Bliss is my nature. Well-being is my nature.  Infinite wealth is my nature.  And so it is.

And I know this is the way the angels perceive me and Divine Love Intelligence perceives me and the Masters Perceive me and all the Legions of Light perceive me.

This big, beautiful, brilliant, blast o'bliss, divine love light of mine...I let it shine all the time...let it shine.  I feel it.  YES!!!

I AM infinite love and appreciation.

maybe I've been disappointed in the past (everything that brings up will I destroy and uncreate it all? YES!  right wrong good bad all9 pod poc shorts boys and beyonds), but the Universe never disappoints.  The Universe always says yes and the universe always delivers.   (again, everything that brings up will I destroy and uncreate it all?  YES!  right wrong good bad all9 pod poc shorts boys and beyonds).  TRUST!

God wants more than 20 times more for me than I desire for myself. 

Thank YOU, God!

The Connection - the appreciation of the energy of our spirit which is pure love, the energy of our thoughts, the energy of our body and the energy of Mother Earth and the energy of the Universe

create a conscious presence for the moment - then I can pay attention to the moment in a whole other way.

every time I hear him say Infinite love and appreciation say it with the same sort of intention as Dr. Weissman from my heart and with total feeling of the truth of the statement through my entire being, "I AM infinite love and appreciation".

Take a deep breath.  My breath is my spirit.  And my spirit is pure love.  And I harmonize my breath with pure spirit.  Harmonize my spirit with my body.
As we unify my spirit and body and one unified field, "Infinite love and appreciation"
Harmonize my mind with every cell, every relationship in my body "infinite love and appreciation"
Harmonize my body with the infinite potential of my mind "infinite love and appreciation
as my mind and body are harmonized with                    every thing is possible "infinite love and appreciation"
take a deep breath
connect to the heart of mother earth and feel her embracing me with the essence of her soul and bringing this energy into harmony with my body and all the realtionship isn my life "my body is thriving.  my life is thriving.  and so it is.  infinite love and appreciation"  my thoughts are thriving.  and so it is "infinite love and appreciation"  love is thriving in my being and life and so it is.  infinite love and gratitude.  love is thriving in the Universe.  so it is.
connect to the divine consciousness and bring it into my body into the Source, the power, into my body and all my relationships.
i am one with my body.  i am one with life. i am one with infinite wealth and abundance.  all is well.  infinite love and appreciation.  i am one with my thoughts.  all is well.  infinite love and appreciation.  i am one with love.  all is well.  i am one with bliss.  infinite love and appreciation
take a breath and welcome to the present moment
simply observe
how does it feel to feel present in this moment right now?

 discontinue perceiving myself as ill, lack, etc.  Look at my body and my life as a real meaningful dialogue.

connect to...notice a particular symptom

one never can become who they already are.  YES!!!

The billion dollar question, "given the opportunity, would I ever choose to create my life this way?"  If I knew I had the choice...once I know I have the choice...would I choose _________________
Would an infinite being ________________________
pain, frustration, lack or the like
Given the choice I know what I would choose?  YES!!!
something is activating a reactive _____________...it only knows how to react
we have the ability to teach the reactive mind
next million dollar question, "if you could teach your reactive mind to react in a different way, would we?"
Intention.  Set the intention.  Intention is powerful.
Once I set up a new vibration of what I would choose, we begin to recognize the power of intention and imagination.
Create a whole new blueprint for our being, body and blissful life...our relationships
consciously became present...consciously discerned and said I wouldn't choose this so where did it come from...what isn't action is reaction...live with conscious intention
conscious intention has a rule to live by...focus on what you choose.  Focus on what I choose.  Focus ONLY on what I choose.
The only part of me that can create this choice in a real way is through my heart.  Go into my heart.  My heart is filled with abundant love, my wealth of love.  What do I choose to feel?  Say it out loud three times as if I am already there.  Am I open to using my imagination, my conscious imagination?  See myself being what I choose.  See myself in my nature of what I choose.  See myself in this land of what I choose.  Now say, "infinite love and appreciation."  Now how does it feel in my heart to experience what it is I choose.  That feeling is what creates the "healing"

Creates a portal, a doorway, the present-past-future declarative portal that guides my reactive mind to function in a whole new way.

Regardless of feeling _____________, I AM now agreeing to feel __________________
Infinite love and apprecaiton.  Infinite love and appreciation  Thank you God
I AM now choosing to feel _____________________
infinite love and appreciation.  infinite love and appreciation
I AM now safe feeling _________________
infinite love and appreciation  infinite love and apprecation  Thank you God
I AM okay, but there is a part of me who keeps forgetting that feeling _______________ is a choice in each and every life circumstance
Infinite love and apprecaiton
I am okay that there is a reactive ___________ part of me who has never chosen to feel _______________
infinite love and appreciation  thank you God
I am okay that there is a part of me who has never felt supported like I AM right now feeling ____________
infinite love and appreciation.  thank you God
I just crossed a veil.  I entered the consciousness of I AM _______________

I AM feeling ________________________
infinite love and gratitude thank you God
I AM ___________________________
I AM ____________________________   it is my nature
infinite love and apprecation  thank you God
I AM __________________________
I AM _________________________
Love is my nature
infinite love and appreciation.  Thank you God

Now I have a whole new blueprint.

doesn't judge, it simply reacts and thus, I move with resistance continuing to look back...its a pattern that has me viewing myself and the world around me fearing change instead of I AM feeling _________________

infinite love and appreciation - this is what I AM
infinite love and apprecation
I AM safe and supported to be my unique self
infinite love and apprecation
My name is Lori and today I AM choosing to bring out my very best and shine like the sun by being 100% ready, willing, able, safe, worthy, supported and downright deserving to own my power, awaken my soul with infinite love and appreciation by feeling ________________________________ NOW and forever regardless of how painful, scary or stressful life is, has been, or will be.  I AM _____________
Love is my nature.  Love is who I AM.  Love is how God created me.  And so it is.
Infinite love and appreciation.  Thank YOU, God!  Thank YOU, ALL THAT IS!

See all the angels supporting me and sending me infinite love and appreciation, especially since they see me the way Divine Love Intelligence sees me.  Will I receive it?  Will I acknowledge that this is who I AM and how much I AM loved. 

Infinite love and appreciation.  Thank YOU, God.  I AM infinite love and appreciation.  Thank YOU, God!

And then to remember, that like the angels everyone else is infinite love and appreciation (not just saying the words but being the vibration of the words) and for me to see everyone and everything and love everyone and everything the way the angels do and the way Divine Love and Divine Truth does always past, present and future.  And I don't worry about if they receive it, I send it anyway because it is truth.  I send it anyway because I MUST since it is who I AM in Divine Truth.

I AM infinite abundance.

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