Friday, August 5, 2011

Start of Week 3 Wahoo!!!

Walking in the crowded street, we can feel the sadness of others but can turn it into joy by envisioning blessings pouring into their lives because we see them the way Divine Love Intelligence does: perfect, blessed, beautiful, amazing, brilliant, loved, loved, loved.
I live in the magical land of God's Abundant Wealth! Money, Love, Beauty, Creative Fun & Sacred Sexuality are mine for the taking! I am loved and love generously! I am fully present in my body and live from the depths of my soul! Thank You God! All is well in my world! ♥ What's your declaration today? ♥
 Letting go of either/or consciousness...let's have it all.  I have it all.  I AM it all.  I AM ALL THAT I AM!!!
Celebrate good times, no...great times.
Let go of thinking if I AM asking for it that it won't show up because it is too hard and was too hard in the past or didn't show up in the past.  The same system works whether I intend on $20 or $2 billion.  If I ask...
To think I AM poor or to thing the Universe will not give me what I AM asking for...answer my question is a slap in the face to ALL THAT IS!

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