Sunday, August 21, 2011

Some, Lori, are better loved from a distance.

For a while, anyway.

And that's OK.

    The Universe

Besides, Lori, love doesn't really know the difference.  

It's kind of strange, Lori, but first you have to know what you want, defined in terms of the end result. And then you have to physically move towards it, without defining the hows.

At which point, the thing you want actually starts coming to you, on its own terms, from a direction completely unexpected.

Not unlike a cat,
    The Universe (7/20/11)

Just carry on, Lori, detached from the details and timing, and perhaps act like you just couldn't care less. Meow. 

What I most want you to dream of, Lori, are possibilities that thrill you.

What I most want you to feel, is happy.

And what I most want you to know, is that you're loved.

    The Universe

As mentioned in the brochures, Lori, used for recruiting alien life forms from distant realities: "'Time and Space' is where you're never judged, only loved, anyone can be a rock star, and your keys will be wherever you left them."

Spot on, huh?

Wiki this,
    The Universe

Give with a truly glad heart, Lori, for the sole purpose of the good it will do, and whatever you give shall return to you, multiplied, as if on wings, covered in sparkles.

    The Universe

Just don't expect the beneficiary of your kindness, Lori, to be the bringer of your new blessings - very rare; not their job; I know faster ways.

Some people think, Lori, that some things are "meant to be."

Meant by whom?

Not me,
    The Universe

You can have it all, Lori. 
Truth is since God is my "father" I already HAVE it all.  I HAVE all that God has.  Can I not perceive it?  Will I receive it?  Will I love and enjoy it and allow the Universe to gift it to me with ease and bliss?  YESSSS!!!!!   YES!!!  YES!!!

The entire world will be a richer place, Lori, once you sell many of your designs for at least $2500 each and  receive and have your money--twenty thousand a month at least.

We knew this when we helped you pick your dreams.

So let's get cracking,
    The Universe
YES!  I love this!

So you see, Lori, there is this deep, intrinsic, unidentified yet palpable yearning by the masses for you to have all that you want and intend ALL and they, unwittingly, are prepared to help.  It is their pleasure for somewhere in their knowing they, too, understand that they are the Divine Truth of who they are and thus are each billionaires in essence and ALL the Most Amazing Infinite Divine Children of God Beings they were created as by Mother/Father God/Divine Love Intelligence.  Beautiful, Blissful, Brilliant Lights.

Quickie Happiness Workshop for Increasing Profits at Times of Seeming Peril:

Think as much, if not more, about growing your income as you do of trimming your expenses.

And for extra credit, Lori, focus on customers more than vendors; smiles more than frowns; possibilities more than risks; options more than commitments; vacations more than overtime; detours more than setbacks; opportunities more than obstacles; and Goldilocks more than the bears.

End of Workshop -
    The Universe

To what extremes would you go, Lori, to bring about your heart's fondest wishes, to manifest your greatest desires, and to live your boldest dreams?

OMG - Did you just say visualize daily and take baby steps?!

    The Universe

Look out world, Lori's eyes just closed (you are now closing your eyes to visualize), and everything is about to change. 

You just have to let me do the casting - have to.

Truly thrilled,
    The Universe

You decide what you want, Lori, physically move in its direction and I'll "send in the clowns." 

When you know the end result, Lori, I always know the fastest way.
The questions you have to answer, Lori, pertain to what, where, when, and why.

Mine pertain to how and with whom.

    The Universe

Two of the most important questions for all aspiring rock stars, Lori, are:

  1. How big do you want to be?
  2. What are you now doing about it?
"Rock stars" being metaphoric for "selling many of my designs for at least $2500 each." I just didn't want to immediately flip you out.

See you at the stadium,
    The Universe


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