Monday, August 15, 2011

Do You See What I See? Ask the Archangels

What if that is part of their job (and yet not really a job because seeing us as our true divine selves is simply their perception and would we think of it as a job to share with someone the way we perceive them, especially when what we "see" is so amazing, awesome, beautiful, luminous, brilliant, blissful, divine, loving and the like), too?  Helping us see US the way They (the Archangels and all angels) see and know and perceive and love US.

What would it take for me to be both: A Divine Truth Teller who has a billion dollars?

Do you have any idea how much I adore you for being in my life, Sweet One? What else is possible? Thank you for ***you***! Big hug!

, xoxo Rikka

Prayer is communication w/ the Divine. It can be whispered or chanted or written or expressed in the work you do. However it is expressed, it is never in vain. 
Have you ever been standing in front of a fire and had one of the embers spark out and land on your sleeve?  You know that if you leave that ember there it will very quickly burn a hole in the clothing.  However, if you immediately flick it off there is just a little bit of soot that easily comes out and there is no lasting damage.
Our thoughts are very much like those embers.  When thoughts of anger, resentment, revenge or envy occur, we must quickly flick them away.  Cancel those life-eroding thoughts.
Today, let's notice any negative thought, let it go, and turn back to the truth that life is abundant and meant to be enjoyed.
Flick Away The Embers,

Keeping True ~ Ramadan Style - Day 16: ACIM Chapt. 6.1: "The Lessons of Love - The Message of the Crucifixion": You cannot Love what you do not appreciate, for Fear makes APPRECIATION impossible. When YOU are afraid of what you ARE... you do not appreciate it, & will therefore reject it. As a result, YOU will TEACH Rejection." That is what I call a CHOOSEday Lesson! BE GREATfull ya'll!!!! ♥♥♥♥

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