Friday, August 5, 2011

Clearing/Perpetually Living In the Answer Every Eternal Present Moment of NOW

What generative capacity for the solidification of the elementals into reality by request of the quantum entanglements fulfilled as having and being total consciousness with money wealth and abundance with total ease am I currently refusing to create, generate and institute?

Will I destroy and uncreate here and now in all dimensions of time and space forever more any and all ways I resist being fulfilled as having and being total consciousness with money, wealth and abundance with total ease?  YES, I AM NOW!  right wrong good bad all9 pod pocs shorts boys and beyonds.  YES!  So be it.  So it is done.  Wahoo!!!  Mahalo!

Be at the awareness of having and receiving money like breathing and being it and institute what is required to have money like perfect divine energetic vibrational alignment with Divine vibration of Divine Wealth.

Instead of being surprised at all the money and all the ways money is showing up for me now due to my vibrational alignment and Divine Wealth truth telling.  Instead be thrilled.  Mahalo.  More please. 


Ask the quantum entanglements to assist me with having the money show up for this and everything I desire and intend.

What would it take to generate money for this class?  Quantum Entanglements, this is my official asking of what would it take for me to be a billionaire being in physical projection/manifestation in my life here and more?

Everything and I mean EVERYTHING that isn't allowing this to show up through all time space dimensions reality or I have gone to conclusions I can't have it or receive it or be it, will I destroy and uncreate that here and NOW?  YES!
Right.  Wrong. Good.  Bad.  All 9. Pod Poc  Shorts.  Boys and Beyonds 
Mahalo Quantum Entanglements.  Mahalo.  More please!  How does it get even better/more blissful/more love now?  YES!!!

How about we ask the quantum entanglements to assist each of us to having the money show up for us for this and everything else we truly desire.  YES!

What generative capacity for the solidification of the elementals into reality by request of the Quantum Entanglements fulfilled as being the ever expanding question of receiving that I am refusing to create, generate, & institute?

Right wrong good bad all 9 pod poc shorts boys and beyonds

How about everywhere I have any sort of any energy related to thinking/feeling/perceiving/being that the Quantum Entanglements or any aspect of the Universe or the Legions of Light won't, can't, or will not assist me with this or don't help me with my requests and questions and are somehow keeping me from my hearts true desires for whatever reason (especially since I on some level do understand that even if I don't always perceive me as my Divine Truth self...they certainly always understand the Divine Truth of Who I AM), will I destroy and uncreate this here and now in all dimensions of time and space forever more?  YES, I AM NOW! right wrong good bad all9 pod pocs shorts boys and beyonds.  YES!!!  Yes!!!  YES!!!  Thank YOU!!!  Mahalo!!  More please?  How does it get any better?  Yeah!  So be it.  So it is done.

All right elementals, what would it take for everyone listening to allow whatever it is to shift that would allow all kinds of money to show up for this and everything else here and NOW, NOW, NOW...I have it NOW?

We have to be willing to ask questions and not go to the conclusion of what I can't have.

So everywhere I've created the conclusion about what I can't have before I even ask, will I destroy and uncreate here and now in all dimensions of time and space forever more?  YES, I AM NOW! So be it.  So it is done.

right wrong good bad all 9 pod poc shorts boys and beyonds

Pay attention to the thought in my head and literally tell them to stop so we don't necessarily go to conclusions and we instead ask the questions and feel the energy of it.  Time to train me back into asking questions.

Another tool is to demand

You know what I demand that this money show up for this and whatever else I would love to enjoy.  Technically it is already mine.
You know what I am not doing that anymore.  Never mind. 
Making that demand will actually assist greatly too!

What if everything actually is malleable and changeable?
What if I could have my dream life delivered on a silver platter?
What if money, wealth and abundance was actually me and could be in my present and growing into my future?
Everywhere I have taken myself out of this equation in any capacity, will I destroy and uncreate here and now in all dimensions of time and space forever more?  YES, I AM NOW!
right wrong good bad all9 pod poc shorts boys and beyonds
Mahalo.  More please?  So be it.  So it is done.  Wahoo!!!  How does it get any better?

Oh BABY!  How does it get any better?  Wahoo!!!!

What if I began running clearing statements on everything that makes me feel heavy?

Money is meant to be fun.  Everywhere I have concluded money is not fun, will I destroy and uncreate here and now in all dimensions of time and space forever more?  YES, I AM NOW!
right wrong good bad all9 pod poc shorts boys and beyonds
Wahoo.  Mahalo.  So be it.  So it is done.  Wahoo.  Mahalo.  More please?  How does it get any better?

Staying in the question is like a new muscle.  Wahoo!!!

Can I really, truly have a life that is even more amazing than anything I ever thought possible for me?
Everywhere I concluded I can't have this life, will I delete and uncreate that?
right wrong good bad all9 pod poc shorts boys and beyonds

another "____" to clear
another question to ask

stay in the process and keep clearing

How does it get any better...any more blissful?  Wahoo!!!

No time lines.  What if the Universe didn't actually have a time line?  What if I just ask and then allow?  What if I could ask so many questions and I have so much stuff being delivered that I didn't even remember I asked it and all of a sudden it shows up and you are like, "right" "I asked for that...that's so cool!  Welcome to my world, my friends!  Wahoo!"

The Universe knows how to deliver it.  Probably will show up differently than I think it is.
Everything that brings up will I destroy and uncreate here and now in all dimensions of time and space forever more?  YES, I AM NOW! ...right wrong good bad all9 pod poc shorts boys  and beyond

Be the gift I AM.  Here.  Now.  Every moment in my life I love, love, love.

Mahalo.  More please?  How does it get better/more blissful for me in my life I love here and now?  Wahoo!!!

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