Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Thank YOU

I feel very blessed to work with the angels and thanks so very, very much for the energy cord dissolution.

How does it get any better than this?

I do feel quite blissful right now as I write this.  Thank you.

For whatever reason through dreams and the like it hit me with even more force this morning about how important Divine Truth telling is.  One of the dreams I had was about how worried I used to be about being beautiful enough and that if I wasn't then my man would leave me and no longer love me.  What immense power is that to give to another being.  What small thinking that is that my only value and determiner of whether I am worthy of love is if I seem beautiful enough compared to physical world standards.  When the Divine Truth is that I AM beautiful.  I was created beautiful.  To think otherwise is to lie.  To think otherwise is like buying into the devil.  I know that sounds so archaic but even in the sense that if this world somehow has me convinced that I am not worthy of my God-gifted wealth for any reason, it is as if the devil has slithered into my brain and I have bought into the illusion, the lies, the False Evidence Appearing Real, which is actually what I have done in many ways in my life and what I have been doing with my physical body.  Pain in my physical body which as I know in Divine Truth (and I have committed to being a Divine Truth Teller) is False Evidence Appearing Real.  How do you dissolve False Evidence Appearing Real?  With Divine Truth.  With all the conviction of Divine Truth as if I AM ONE with ALL THAT IS as I declare truth about my self and others in my life.

And I so am being assisted and I love this.  Let go of judgment.  Let go of conclusions.  Simply see everyone and everything as Divine Truth (if I somehow judge or conclude otherwise, I am buying into False Evidence Appearing Real) and love, love, love them.  Even today when we watched that episode of Camelot with Morgan and the Nun.  Morgan is being portrayed as evil.  However, she is as much God's child as anyone else.  What is the answer?  Love and Seeing Her as Her True Divine Perfect Self, the Self God created her being.

Bliss.  Bliss.  Bliss.  I AM loving getting and having more of This Divine Bliss and Divine Truth as my consciousness and my physical expressions in my Divine Love Filled Life I love where I AM always in the presence of Mother/Father God, the Universe is always for me as are the Archangelic Legions of Light, the Masters and ALL THAT IS.  Thank you.  Thank you.  Thank you.  Thank you that you continue to see me as my Divine Truth Self.  Love.  Love.  Love.  Blessed.  Blessed.  Blessed.  AT ONE With ALL THAT IS.  I AM ALL THAT I AM.  I AM THe Glory of God in Physical Projection.  Thank YOU!

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