Wednesday, August 24, 2011


The new human.

to generate biological bliss

focused awareness and intent - breath bliss

not matching or entraining to the room - as I connect, the one connected will be able to raise the vibration of those around

this big beautiful bliss light of mine...I let it shine

bringing in more life force energy - it is what we use to raise our vibration - and as others align with it...

allows the others body to heal itself and I know I technically never heal and neither do they...they are simply uncovering spiritual truth that they have been and always are perfect as mentioned in the Teachings

it is so easy - but, of course, because I haven't healed anything...I've simply revealed what is the truth of the blissful, divine being I AM.

wealth is access to resources - you don't need to own the swimming pool - you just need to have access to the swimming pool

access to my own connection to source - access my own resources and do what is possible to raise my vibration as much as possible

love more profoundly - this is juicy stuff

realize how powerful my love valuable

my love is actually a power

our love is real, has power and impact and it is something I can do and everyone can do

Thought for Today: It is safe for me to feel loved. I ask my angels to guide my relationships so that I only attract people with a high level of integrity. Everyone in my life now treats me with respect, for I have wonderful friends whom I care about.
Even a one-degree shift in our thinking can cause a massive change.
When we create the conditions we need to shift our thinking even one degree, we have succeeded in seeding change in our lives.  That change, six months down the road, takes us to a whole new place.

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