Thursday, August 25, 2011

Hello, Beyond Belief Beautiful, Blessed, B'Loved, Bountiful, Blissful, Billionaire Being Bjork

YES!  I get it!  Wahoo!  How does it get any more divine up in here?
I AM a valuable, divine blessing to life and the ME, my Self, Mother/Father God and All THAT IS...Thank YOU to all who have contributed to helping me restore my Divine Consciousness and I AM presence. 
I AM a valuable, divine consciousness contribution to life, the Universe, to ME, to ALL THAT IS, to Mother/Father God here, now and always.  I love knowing this is, in fact, in deed and in Divine Truth, the Divine Truth of Who I AM and who I Always AM, the unchangeable in the seeming always changeable.  Thank YOU, God.  Thank YOU to all aspects of Divine Love and ALL THAT IS who have contributed to helping me restore my Divine Divine Impeccability Intention...Thank YOU for blessing me.  Bless You!

YES!  I AM infinite.  Today I choose to perceive me ONLY the way Divine Truth knows me, the way the Angels know me, the way the Universe knows me.  I align with this vibration and allow this Big, Brilliant, Blast O'Bliss Light of Mine to Shine, Shine, Shine, Shine, Shine All the Time.  YES!!!

"Consciousness includes everything and judges nothing" -Gary Douglas founder of Access Consciousness
 interesting point of view
knowing God wants 20 times more for me than I desire for myself.  Thy will be done, God.  Thank YOU, God.
having $70000 is easy.  Thank you God.  Thy will be done.  God wants more than 20 times more for me than I want for myself.  Thy will be done, God.  Not what I desire, but what God desires for me.  This or something better.  Thank YOU, God.  YES!!!
conscious with my feelings, thoughts, and I AM statements.
This or something better without knowing what it is 'cuz it feels sooooooo blissful.  YES!!!

money and wealth is simply a divine tool and I AM a beyond belief bountiful beloved blessed billionaire NOW.  I AM infinite abundance.  I AM infinite love.  I AM infinite appreciation.  Thank YOU, God.
I am empowered by Mother/Father God to decide/choose how anything will other words, do I allow the food to tell me how I will be or react or what it will do for me or do I collaborate with physical projections and choose how they will "be".  For instance, whatever I ingest I consecrate as being a blessing to me and All that IS.  For instance, whatever wealth I circulate I consecrate as being a blessing to me and ALL THAT IS.  I choose blessing. 
wisdom and discernment for what is Divine Truth
allowing myself to be more of my divine truth self in every moment...allowing more of me, my true divine self me, to show up and be present in every moment.  YES!!!
Thank YOU, God.
I deserve to have blissful blessing experience happen for me.  I AM worthy of having blissful blessingful experience happen for me.  I love having blissful blessingful beyond belief bountiful experiences happen for me in my life I love NOW.  I AM so blessed.  I AM so appreciative God.  Thank YOU, God.  I love that you always wish at least 20 time more bliss and blessings for me than I wish for myself.  Thank YOU, God.  Thy will be done.  I love YOU.  I love all that is.
Would an infinite being who has infinite abundance ever worry about losing their money or not having money?
I AM imprinted with the wisdom and discernment to manifest all the wealth and abundance...all the bounty and blessings in my life I love.  Thank YOU, God.  Thy will be done.  I love YOU.  I love ALL THAT IS.  I expect these blessings in my life 'cuz I know it is who I AM and who you are and how much I AM loved and blessed by You, God, and ALL THAT IS.  Whoo hoo!!!  Wahoo!  How does it get any better?  
I AM imprinted NOW with the wisdom to identify my self now with my Divine Truth Self and My I AM Avatar Blueprint self and letting the blessings be...not my will but Thy Will Be Done In MY LIFE, MOther/FAther God.  This or something better.  And Thank YOU, God.  Woooooo!  WAhoo!  I AM so open.  This or something does it get any better?  Bring it.  Thank You, God.
See that not only am I infinite abundance (for this is the Divine Truth about me) but know, see, perceive, affirm that ALL of my divine spiritual siblings are also Infinite Abundance.  
Jesus always prayed knowing and giving thanks that it was already done as asked.  
Thank YOU, God, I Am so grateful that you helped me open the doors to help me with my intention of being and bringing into physical manifestation Chenrizi and me being who I say I AM with this blog.
I can call on God's Grace.  Thank YOU, God I am so grateful  By your divine grace please guide me, bring people into my life, show me...that are sent by you and they are ambassador's of yours and give me good guidance.  Thank YOU, God.  And I thank You for your Grace.  I don't need to do anything for God's Grace.  Thank YOU, God I AM so grateful.  By your divine grace please guide me, bring people into my life that assist me with fulfilling Your Divine Plan for me and my life, my blissful blessed being life.  Thy will be done, God.  Thank YOU, God.  Thank YOU.  I love YOU, Mother/Father God, the Legions of Light, the Archangelic League of Light, the Masters, Mother Earth, the Universe, ALL THAT IS!
Blessing.  Thank YOU, God using energy from the Universe for this process.  Thank YOU, God for creating a blessing for everyone of my beloved, beautiful, spiritual siblings and the entire Universe.  Thank YOU, God, that God creates a blessing for the entire Universe...thank YOU, God, for creating the blessing NOW, thank YOU, God, as God miraculously gives a blessing for everyone and everything in the entire Universe...thank YOU, God.  Thank You, God.  Thy will be done.
Thank YOU, God, for helping me understand that I AM always a blessing to the Universe, as well, as that I AM infinitely blessed.  Thank YOU, God.
Divine Truth Teller, Blast O'Bliss Brilliant Being
Being and Having All of Me...Access of All of ME in every glorious, divine, eternal, infinite present moment of NOW.  How does it get any better...any more blissful and blessingful?  Wahoo!  Thank YOU, God!

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