Sunday, August 21, 2011

everything I AM looking for I AM


I am creating and having a life that is even greater than I ever thought possible.  I invited that possibility in my life.  How cool is that?  How much better can it be for me in my life?  What else blissful and beyond divine is possible for me in my life?  I am totally unique unto myself.  What else blissful and beyond divine great am I able to be in the world?

‎"Dear God and angels, thank you for helping me to think, speak, and act from my Higher Self, so that every moment of my day is a reflection of pure light, love, and healing blessings."
Be gentle with yourselves, Dearest ones, and know that you live close to God’s heart.
"Dear God and angels, thank you for helping me to think, speak, and act from my Higher Self, so that every moment of my day is a reflection of pure light, love, and healing blessings."
Forget not your Heavenly Creator, Who steadily resides within you now.
Thought for Today: I am totally carefree, giving all worries to God and the angels. I don’t have to do anything by myself, because they’re always with me.
"Dear God and angels, thank you for sending me open-hearted, trust-worthy, loving, kind, giving, and gentle people. Thank you for helping me to be a wonderful friend who has wonderful friendships."
Visualize yourself surrounded completely with pink light. Only love can permeate this pink shield which protects you from harsh energies, while allowing you to keep your heart open.
Dear God, I know that my family member and I both have guardian angels. I ask that these guardian angels help us heal our issues and misunderstandings. Please help us release any anger or unforgiveness. I ask that all effects of our mistakes be lifted and forgotten by everyone involved. Please help me release any judgment I may be carrying toward myself or others. I ask that our guardian angels clearly give us Your direction, knowing that Your will for us is peace. Thank You.
A powerful clearing method: Say silently in your mind to anyone with whom you're angry: "I am willing to release that part of me which irritates me when I think of you."
Resisting changes is a power-less way to control your life, but making a firm decision is a power-full way that never fails.
Thought for Today: My angels cherish me for who I am right now. I have the light of God inside of me today and every day. As I focus on my inner glow, I am filled with love.
"Archangel Michael, thank you for protecting me and helping me to feel safe in opening my heart to love."

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