Saturday, August 13, 2011

Loving and Flowing Bliss Through My Body and Being

Do you see what a beautiful, expansive, generative, nurturing and conscious friend your body is to you? Do you receive the gift your body truly is to you? And the gift you be with your body?  I see the gift of consciousness you be!
Would you like to have a communion with your body that is so sweet, so expansive, so fun, so healthy that it changes the way you interact with your body entirely?  What if your body is your best friend and companion in consciousness? Would you be willing to commune with your body like you would a best friend?  Would you like to know how to change your body? Your body sees you see your body?  What if by changing the relationship you have with your body, your whole life changed? Imagine having more energy, health, fun, excitement and peace with your body. I see that you can change anything with your you see?
I invite you and your body on this journey through conscious awareness to become more of the you, you always desired. What if your body is here to love you, and you are here to love your body?  Would you be willing to gift your body with you?

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