Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Billionaire Divine Mind

When I visualize what others may think about me as I bring into physical projection my true divine billion, trillionaire life...I connect with them on the level of their own true wealth self.  When one thinks about it, the Divine Truth is that we are a world of almost eight billion billionaires...Divine Royal Wealthy Beyond Belief Spiritual Beings.  YES!!!

In this way it doesn't matter what their so-called human self may perceive about those who have billions of dollars (they may simply be under the spell of f.e.a.r.) because I know they are billionaires too just like me.  Just they haven't allowed themselves to have their money.  I mean I AM truly a billionaire today but if I AM not experiencing this in physical projection it is simply because I don't...haven't been allowing myself to see and enjoy my Divine True Wealth.  Whoo hoo!!!

Love has no obligations or expectations. When you love, whatever you do is because a pleasure; it's like a game, and you have fun with it. When you love, you don't expect something to happen; whatever happens is okay, and hardly anything disappoints you.

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