Friday, August 26, 2011

do and be something I have the ability to do and be something about, which is...

align my energy and create a strong connection with the stream of well-being/bliss/blessed energy of Divine Love  Thank YOU, God.
divine = unconditional
I must claim I AM it before ...
the better I feel...

I feel like a spiritual superstar.  I feel it in my heart and entire being.  YES!  Wahoo!!!
God does the work!  I allow God to do the work!  Infinite Beautiful Divine Being, I AM!  I AM really feeling the connection and the TRUTH of this that God does the work.  That God loves me unconditionally.  And whatever I ask...
I AM a gift and a contribution for everyone who is blessed enough to be in my presence!  YES!  
It's impossible to move forward if your focus is on the past. You cannot clear the way ahead if you're stuck in reverse.
Challenge yourself today! Choose to feel nothing but love within you and around you. Notice the interconnectedness of everything. Acknowledge your ability to rise above chaos and choose well-being...the energy of an infinite being and peace instead. With every breath you take, you can experience harmony in an entirely new and expansive way. ♥  How does it get any better?  What else is possible?  Total Allowance.  With energy from the Universe knowing God does the work.  Thank YOU, God and the Universe and ALL THAT IS!
Hi Lori,
Have you ever had a moment where you just thought, "This is pure magic...?" 
Perhaps something happened that you didn't expect or things came together in a way that was unpredicted.  Maybe you witnessed a sunrise, sunset or rainbow, paused for a moment and really appreciated the magic that was available to you.
We can choose to create magic rather than just wait for it to happen.  Magic isn't making something that wasn't there, suddenly there.  It is the revealing of that which was there all along.  We can practice and be open to the possibility of magic happening.  
It's a choice.  Let's choose today for magic. 
To A Magical Day,
Take a deep breath and know MY Divine Love greatest answer is seeking to emerge through me.  NOW I Let The Answer Be Revealed.  Thank YOU, God!

If you were listening to the hypnotic voice of your Source, you'd be constantly hearing the drum beating that says, "You are loved, and you are worthy, and you are valued and life is suppose to be good for you. You are worthy, you are valued, you are loved and life is supposed to be good for you."..
- Abraham-Hicks -
In spiritual truth, my mind is one with the mind of God, and therefore shares the infinite wisdom, creativity, love, and power of Divine Love Light Intelligence in every glorious, infinite, eternal present moment of NOW.  YES!  Wahoo!  Thank YOU, God!  Thy will be done.  I desire what God wants for me for God always wants at least twenty times more for me than I desire for myself.  This or something better.  How does it get any better than this, God?  Wahoo!!!
What would it take for my will to always and gloriously be in perfect alignment with Divine Will--Thy Will Be Done, God--in every moment? 
What would it take for me to desire ONLY all the best of what God desires for me (thy will be done for the highest good this or something better) and to allow myself then to have it now in spirit and physical manifestation with ease, grace and bliss because I AM just this blessed, beautiful, bountiful and b'loved of a divine being? 
I have the wisdom and discernment (thy will be done for the highest and best good this or something better) to know I deserve to have what I desire and to "have/be" it...allow myself this bliss and blessing to have my desire to be what I desire.  YES!  Wahoo!  Thank YOU, God! 
What would it take for me to vibrate in perfect alignment with having $500, much so that I easily manifest $500,000 NOW in one of the many, many, fun and blissful ways like mentioned in the tapping video so I have $50,000 in my savings?  What would it take for me to energetically do and be what I need to energetically be and do with my being and my vibrational offering that would allow me to easily welcome and have $500,000 now?  And I mean now?  NOW.  For would an infinite being ever perceive that what they desired could not happen NOW since technically the only time that exists is NOW?  For would an infinite being ever be afraid of being able to manifest $500,000 now or would an infinite being ever think the answer was "no"?  And I AM an infinite being?  YES!  Thank YOU, God!  For the Highest Good.  This or something better knowing you always desire twenty times more for me than I desire for myself.  Thy will be done!  Thank YOU, God!  Would an infinite being ever entertain the notion that the $500,000 would not manifest knowing that God does the work.  God does the work.  God has the infinite divine intelligence to do the work efficiently and for the Highest Good.  Thy will be done, God.  Thank YOU, God!
What would it take for me to perceive and KNOW myself through the eyes of God, through the eyes of Divine Love Intelligence NOW?  And I mean NOW.
What would it take for me to TRUST the Law of Attraction beyond belief, with my entire heart, soul and being to know that as I align my vibe, of course, I have all of God's best or what it is I desire?  This or something better for the highest good of all Thy Will Be Done, God.  YES!  Wahoo!  Thank YOU, God!
What wold it take for me to know myself as the glorious, amazing, valuable contribution to ALL THAT IS that I AM just because I AM a child of God?
What might I allow myself to receive and have today that I've never allowed myself to receive and have before and that would tickle me, thrill me, excite me, might even have me jumping up and down for joy I am so thrilled to have it show up for me to receive and have...and it is totally a gift...simply mine because I asked and it is aligned with "Thy Will Be Done, God, for the Highest Good This or Something Better, Thank YOU, God"?
Thank YOU, God!  YES!  Wahoo!  Thank YOU, God!
It really is about the amount of airtime that you’ve been giving to things.  What would it take for me to give any amount of airtime I give to money, finances, wealth, bounty, etc. to be ONLY seeing and knowing me as being in perfect alignment with Divine Wealth Consciousness?  Thank YOU, God!  Thy will be done for the Highest Good of All...this or something better.  YES!  Wahoo!!!
What would it take for me to receive and be as much of my true divine self in this moment as I can possibly allow myself to receive and be?  How does it get any better?
What would it take God and the Universe for me to be more of THY Divine Will Be Done in every eternal, glorious present moment NOW?
What would it take God and the Universe for me to be more of my Divine Truth Being while still present on Earth in every glorious, eternal present moment NOW?
What would it take God and the Universe for me to be a true divine re-present-ative for you?
Thy will be done.  Thank YOU, God.  For the Highest Good, knowing you always desire at least 20 times more for me than I desire for myself.  This or something better.  Thank YOU, God!  YES!!!!

find someway to get out of judgment and/or conclusions of myself or anyone...any time I do it stick up my hand like a stop sign and just stop
allow myself to function from the question (conclusions can be limiting)  I AM infinite.  What will it take to change this?  What else is possible here?  How does it get any better/more Divine than this?  And be open to the answer, especially the answer not being anything I may have thought it would be.
cultivate an attitude of gratitude.  Have I ever actually done it?  For the next three weeks, every morning when I wake up and ask myself, "What am I grateful for today?" or what would I be grateful for today if I did manage to get my butt out of my head to be grateful for today?"  This places my focus and awareness on appreciation.  Imagine being appreciative for myself.  I only need to list three things and write them down.  When I start looking for it.  I begin finding it.

I wake up a very blissful, blessed, beautiful, b'loved, bountiful being and I go to sleep feeling the same way!

 Being ME (my Divine Truth ME, my Divine Identity), Changing the World!  Is now the time?

What would it take for me to know how cool I really Am?  What would it take for me to every cool and amazing and divine and blissful and blessed and b'loved and b'loving and bountiful and beautiful as I really AM in the perception of ALL THAT IS?  YES!  Wahoo!!!  Thank YOU, God!

What if I loved my self soooo much, was so thrilled with who I AM and everything about me and my life (THANK YOU GOD) that I actually never wished to change anything because I AM so blissfully enjoying the "ride"?  How cool would that be?  What if this were my point of appreciation every moment?  How cool would that be? Especially because I knew that whatever great I AM blissfully enjoying NOW, however something really great it may seem to be in this moment, however beyond belief blissfully amazing this moment may seem and my life may appear and how great I know I AM as a Spiritual Sibling, Divine SuperStar that I AM...that every moment and my life just keeps getting better and better.  There is no waiting for the other shoe to drop, so to speak.  My life just continues to get better and better and something really big better...beyond belief better because I stopped wondering what is possible and let God flow through me and allow God to flow what is possible through me.  YES!!!!  Wahoo!!!  I love my life.  I love being ONE with God and Divine Will.  I love that no matter how great my life seems to be, God always desires at least twenty times more for me than I allow myself to experience in any given moment.  This or something better for the Highest Good of All.  Thank YOU, God!!!

just the willingness - the how is up to the Universe.  I AM thrilled to give up my HOW Hat forever.

The tools to choose me...I AM willing to find out who I truly be?

The Kingdom of "WE"
When in doubt, ask a question.
what would it take to change this?  what would it take for this to turn out better than...beyond belief awesome than I thought it might?  Who am I today and what grand and glorious adventures am I going to blissfully enjoy today?  Please don't start looking for the answer...going into the mind wondering "is this the right answer?" "is this the right answer?"  then going to the seed and shouting at it "what no flower yet"  Let the energy pervade my universe...not a right answer, but the energy that comes up when I ask the question.  Opening the door to the energy that guides me to the thing that I was asking about.
What gift can this book be to me I couldn't even imagine when I received came into my consciousness?
What is energy?
My power to choose and my power to change.
What would it take for all of life to come to me with ease, bliss and glory?
What would it take for me to release any fears that could cause me to sabotage the manifestations of what I desire?
I speak Divine Truth powerfully and lovingly.  I trust in Divine Truth and stand my ground in following them.
I AM manifesting a new sense of abundance in my life.  Wahoo!!!  Financial blocks have been successfully removed.  I AM now in the flow of infinite prosperity, bountifully blessed.  Congratulations to me!  Wahoo!!
Keep a trusting and blissful, appreciative being as I experience my wonderful new state of infinite abundance.  Thank YOU, Fairies for you assistance, you beautiful beings of God.
I graciously accept bliss and blessings in my life right now.  I deserve infinite abundance.  I AM financially secure.  I AM bountifully supported today and every day in my future NOW.

34 minutes into Dr. Dain
claim and acknowledge how amazing and divine I truly AM.
what else is available for me to choose that I maybe haven't chosen for a very long time?  Thank YOU, God.
My reality isn't about anyone else, anyone else's point of view, etc.
What about choosing the energy of be have a living even if it makes me different?  Would I be willing to today?
Inviting in what I desire my life to be is far more effective.  Do I wish to give it a shot?  Not visualization.  It is creation by request of the Universe.  Easier and more effective.
Call in the energy of what I'd love to have in my life...the way it would feel like to have the house of my desire, to travel, to have a career that thrills me and gave me more of me everyday?  Get the way it would feel to have all of that.  Now put that energy in front of me sort of like an energy ball.  What about sex and my relationship? If I could have anything what would it feel like, to wake up to it, etc? What sort of relationship would I have with my friends, family, mother earth, plants, with the animals, the oceans and what sort of fun, how would I feel on a daily basis if I could have pull all energy from the universe into the ball of energy...pull more energy into the ball...pull more energy into the ball...pull more and more and more...the Universe is very big...big Universe...keep pulling energy in...keep pulling until my heart really opens up...then be with that energy for a few moments.  Then let little trickles of it go out to everyone and everything that is going to help make that a reality for me from all over the Universe that I may not even know yet.  Based on an awareness of the energy that would be there if I actually had what I was asking for?  Feeling is the easiest way to describe it.  After all I chose it.
Everything that doesn't allow that to show up, will I destroy and uncreate all that please?  YES!  right wrong good bad all9 pod poc shorts boys and beyonds  Thank YOU, God!
All the projections, expectations,separations, judgments and rejections I have about what life has to be that don't allow my living and life to be what it could be, will I destroy and uncreate all that please?  YES!  right wrong good bad all9 pod poc shorts boys and beyonds.  Thank YOU, God!

Does this feel like the energy ball?  Does this get me closer to having more of me?  Light equals true and you just know.  What is true always makes me feel lighter.  It may only be true for me. Yet, what is true for me will make me feel light.  A lie always makes me feel heavier.  What if I just know?

If it's really not true for me, don't "buy/agree" with it!

Buying a P.O.V. from another may not make me feel lighter.  It may make another feel lighter, but if it doesn't make me feel lighter...

Get used to asking the question, does this feel light or heavy for me?  And trusting my answer.  If it feels heavy when I think about doing it?  Does it feel light when I think about doing it?

something that feel lighter will turn out light for me.  Judgmental people are not fun to hang out with.  It is always heavy when judging anything.

that they judge me so harshly does not mean they are right, just that they are a king or queen of judging.

do I see with my wanting mind or my having heart?  OR do I see with my wanting mind and my having heart?  What would it take for me to have more money than I can ever spend and never enough?

On this day, let us make a decision to create a magnificent day by broadcasting appreciation for Divine Truth of Who I AM and what I have.  Let’s broadcast appreciation and feel how good and precious it is to be in this human life this day.

Just when I think it can't get better or more does?  Wahoo!  God always desires at least 20 times more for me than I desire for myself.  Wahoo!  Thank YOU, God! 

Finished my 'Spiritual Bank Account' project. Underneath that heading is 'I have an infinite supply of... then you list spiritual qualities that are included in your being. For example... abundance, freedom, goodness, joy, progress, forgiveness, health, inspiration, beauty, and guidance. This raises your consciousness from a material bank account to what God gave you when He created you.
Right now there is a current of Well-Being that runs throughout this entire Universe.  It is Life itself; It is right where you are. 
It is our nature to fully experience this stream of Well-Being.  In fact, we are healthier, more prosperous and have much more fun when we live our lives drinking from this flowing stream of Well-Being. 
Sometimes we have a habit of resisting this stream and behind that resistance will come the experience of doubt, worry, confusion and anxiety.  All we need do is let go of resistance and open up.  No matter what is going on in our lives right now, life is imparting a gift to us, and we can become aware of the gift as we open to the stream of Well-Being.
Today, we remind ourselves to open to the stream of what is natural to us --the Well-Being of the Universe --a gift from Spirit.  Our very life.

I love it...thank YOU, God, and all the angels and everyone, everything...all that is.

The angels told me to expect a windfall.  I have been advised I AM infinite abundance.  And I also understand that the Divine Truth of me is that I AM infinite abundance and fact it is one of my intentions to align my vibration with the Divine Truth of Divine Wealth consciousness.  this is what I choose to be in every moment.  So, I would be lying if to say I am sad that a windfall of cash in physical form did not show up for me already.  Having said that, I do see how I have been receiving a windfall of assistance with help with my vibration.  

Access Consciousness.  If I consciously chose, would I choose _____
Infinite love and appreaciation.  I AM infinite love and appreciation. 
Thank YOU, God.  Thank YOU, God.  Thy Will Be Done (will as inheritance).  This or something better.  God wants at least 20 times more for me than I desire for myself.  Paying myself 10% first in an account I never touch...I just have the money.  Having/carrying the amount of cash in my wallet I feel a billionaire would carry.   Receiving.  Opening my arms to receive it all in physical projection.  KNowing I AM a blessing to the world.  Knowing I Am a valuable contribution to the world simply by being me...and simply by being all of me...what would it take for me to receive more of ME.  And now these two videos.  Yes!  Finally what I actually thought is what one would need to do.  And thank YOU, to Doreen, and that all that shows up is simply God in form.  Thank YOU, God.  

I mention all of this because "yes!  I would love to have $50,000 in my savings account, which would actually mean that I received $500,000 and the $50,000 is the 10% I pay myself first because I honor myself as the valuable contribution, divine blessed bliss being I AM in the eyes of Mother/Father God and ALL WHO see with Divine Consciousness...perceive with Divine Consciousness.  And I love the whole, "Thank YOU, God!"  I love that You wish for me even 20 times more than I wish for myself (so, actually ten million awesome, 'cuz right now I feel I'd be happy with $500,000).  Thy will be done.  This or something better.  I love it all.  I love me.  I love you.  I blessed...bountifully, blissfully

Here's my other request/intention, that for whatever reason I seem to have no problem receiving all the help and assistance that I have been receiving in order to really be who I intend to be according to this blog.  (I love the alliteration by the way...all the b's)  So in the way of Jesus (what would Jesus be/do?) I want to thank You, God, and all the Divine assistance/assistants you employ that has me FINALLY receiving with just as much ease, bliss and appreciation the actual cash I have asked for.  What would it take for me to receive/have $500,000 knowing You, God and the Universe, always desire even 20 times more for me than I desire for myself in the highest good way this or something better...THANK YOU, GOD?  Now picture me with my arms wide open and blissfully receiving all the wealth and more in physical projection/manifestation that I have asked you for.  Thy will be done, God.  Thank YOU, God.  Please help me to let it be this easy now.  Thank YOU, God.  Ask...believe...receive.
Remember the scene in Lord of the Rings when Gandalf put his foot down to the Balrog and clearly stated: "You shall not pass!" That's what we're all saying to Irene and it's working! When you're 100% clear about your intentions and you put your foot down to the universe with conviction, magic and miracles always occur.
Fly where your heart takes you, inspired and unafraid. He who waits for the approval of others has clipped his own wings.
Doreen Virtue Official Fan Page
I am one with God and all others; I am one with Divine love. I now release any fear or indecision to heaven.
Bliss doesn't have to be a fleeting moment. It can be a permanent way of "being" when you lead with your soul!
The easiest way to release fear from our experience is to find something to love, something easy to love. Focus upon the fact you love it and how much you love it.
It really is about the amount of airtime that you’ve been giving to things.          - AbeHicks -
If I can blindly perceive Adam and Chris and being perfect (in Divine Truth this is the Truth of them), then shouldn't I be able to perceive the being who is "playing" my mommy in this lifetime?  Shouldn't I be able to perceive everyone the way and with the same perception and vision as Divine Love Light Intelligence perceives me: Divine and Perfect, Blissful, Blessed, B'Loved, B'Loving, Bountiful, Beautiful, Billionaire Divine Being.  YES!!!  YES!!!  YES!!! Thank YOU, God! 
Chopra Center
"It takes great generosity to accept generosity." ~ Merle Shain

Today is the Law of Giving & Receiving, which states that giving and receiving are simply different expressions of the same flow of energy. When we receive, we give someone the joy that comes from giving. When we give, we experience the expansion of the flow of abundance.
You are My prayer of pure amazement, of endless joy and unspeakable gratitude for the gift of the birth of My full awareness of All that I Am. You are the gift of My heart restored into relationship that is rich and glorious, that the giving of Love, the fulfillment of God, is now everywhere perfect, and thus, you are My heart overwhelmed with gratitude.

The Messages from God
Circle of Light
Opening the heart, the heart of Love through Messages from God. Bringing SoulMates or Twin Flames together for the spiritual awakening of the world

Archangel Jophiel, please help me with this situation. Thank you for helping me see the inner Divine beauty within myself and everyone involved. Thank you for your intervention in creating a beautiful outcome. In gratitude, and in the name of all that is beautiful, I thank you, Jophiel.
Thoughts plus feeling create activity. The heart is like a microphone so the stronger the emotions of our heart, the stronger the universe's response to manifest our desires. But the universe doesn't discriminate; it will manifest whatever we think - positive or negative. So it is important that we accept that we have co-created the situation, which removes feelings of having things done "to" us.
Divine timing means the intersection of all favorable circumstances. Please have patience while everything works itself out to achieve optimal conditions for the full manifestation of your desires.  Thy Will, God, Be Done!
I'm going to laugh my worry away. I'm gonna catch myself in the act of "not enoughness" and I am going to laugh my feeling of "not enoughness" away. Just take those two subjects and make a decision "I laugh them away".  I be amazed at how often those two subjects will rise within you in a day,  Cue the laugh.  The laugh (sort of a declaration of Divine Truth and Divine Will...Thy Will Be Done, God, Thank YOU, God) turns downstream. - AbeHicks -
All the amazing things that can happen to me...they are truly mine.  They are not about pursuing.  The fact I need to go after it means I don't really think it is mine in the first place.  At the center place, everything that is mine comes to me.  I just need to allow it.  
All the best, most blissful, blessings are mine...a Divine gift.  Wahoo!!
The more I know who I really AM the more I will allow what is truly mine to come into my life.  Once I know I deserve unconditional love in the way I desire it.  I only need realize it and allow it in.
WE come here to express who we are.  I came here to be me.  When I stop being me, the Universe is deprived of me.  So, I need to be as me as I am able to be and allow myself to be.
At my core, at my essence we are all pure divine love...we are all connected at our source...what else could it be but pure love?  If my only purpose is to be in touch with my core - pure love, then I can only be pure love.
Separate is only an illusion.  What if I know everyone is this amazing?  What if I allowed myself to feel the oneness and allowed myself to feel and be aligned with my core, with pure love?
At our core, is who we are - pure love.  At my core all I can be is who I AM - pure love.
It's important to remember that 'WE' are powerful beings and 'WE' together have the power to shift out of all fear-based timelines in an instant! There are millions of dedicated people right now who are holding the space for a graceful mass transition to occur into a higher collective state of consciousness. This absolutely counts for a significant amount of the current rapid physical and emotion shifts happening. 

Thursday, August 25, 2011

I wake up a very blissful, blessed, beautiful, b'loved, bountiful being and I go to sleep feeling the same way

Appreciating my being and my connection with God and ALL That IS and my amazing life.  My vibrational harmony with Divine Bliss, Divine Truth and Divine Love Intelligence.  I have this connection NOW.  I AM this connection NOW.

This is the MOST IMPORTANT thing I be/do for me and for ALL THAT IS.  Thank YOU, God.  Thy Divine Will Be Done.  And thank YOU, God, and ALL THAT IS for helping and assisting me with my intention that my vibe is now and forever more as closely in perfect Divine Vibrational Alignment with Divine Love and Divine Bliss and Divine Blessings and Divine Truth and Divine Fun as I AM able to allow myself to be in perfect, loving, amazing, glorious alignment in any given moment.  I AM being this.  I AM doing this.  Thank YOU, God.

Hello, Beyond Belief Beautiful, Blessed, B'Loved, Bountiful, Blissful, Billionaire Being Bjork

YES!  I get it!  Wahoo!  How does it get any more divine up in here?
I AM a valuable, divine blessing to life and the ME, my Self, Mother/Father God and All THAT IS...Thank YOU to all who have contributed to helping me restore my Divine Consciousness and I AM presence. 
I AM a valuable, divine consciousness contribution to life, the Universe, to ME, to ALL THAT IS, to Mother/Father God here, now and always.  I love knowing this is, in fact, in deed and in Divine Truth, the Divine Truth of Who I AM and who I Always AM, the unchangeable in the seeming always changeable.  Thank YOU, God.  Thank YOU to all aspects of Divine Love and ALL THAT IS who have contributed to helping me restore my Divine Divine Impeccability Intention...Thank YOU for blessing me.  Bless You!

YES!  I AM infinite.  Today I choose to perceive me ONLY the way Divine Truth knows me, the way the Angels know me, the way the Universe knows me.  I align with this vibration and allow this Big, Brilliant, Blast O'Bliss Light of Mine to Shine, Shine, Shine, Shine, Shine All the Time.  YES!!!

"Consciousness includes everything and judges nothing" -Gary Douglas founder of Access Consciousness
 interesting point of view
knowing God wants 20 times more for me than I desire for myself.  Thy will be done, God.  Thank YOU, God.
having $70000 is easy.  Thank you God.  Thy will be done.  God wants more than 20 times more for me than I want for myself.  Thy will be done, God.  Not what I desire, but what God desires for me.  This or something better.  Thank YOU, God.  YES!!!
conscious with my feelings, thoughts, and I AM statements.
This or something better without knowing what it is 'cuz it feels sooooooo blissful.  YES!!!

money and wealth is simply a divine tool and I AM a beyond belief bountiful beloved blessed billionaire NOW.  I AM infinite abundance.  I AM infinite love.  I AM infinite appreciation.  Thank YOU, God.
I am empowered by Mother/Father God to decide/choose how anything will other words, do I allow the food to tell me how I will be or react or what it will do for me or do I collaborate with physical projections and choose how they will "be".  For instance, whatever I ingest I consecrate as being a blessing to me and All that IS.  For instance, whatever wealth I circulate I consecrate as being a blessing to me and ALL THAT IS.  I choose blessing. 
wisdom and discernment for what is Divine Truth
allowing myself to be more of my divine truth self in every moment...allowing more of me, my true divine self me, to show up and be present in every moment.  YES!!!
Thank YOU, God.
I deserve to have blissful blessing experience happen for me.  I AM worthy of having blissful blessingful experience happen for me.  I love having blissful blessingful beyond belief bountiful experiences happen for me in my life I love NOW.  I AM so blessed.  I AM so appreciative God.  Thank YOU, God.  I love that you always wish at least 20 time more bliss and blessings for me than I wish for myself.  Thank YOU, God.  Thy will be done.  I love YOU.  I love all that is.
Would an infinite being who has infinite abundance ever worry about losing their money or not having money?
I AM imprinted with the wisdom and discernment to manifest all the wealth and abundance...all the bounty and blessings in my life I love.  Thank YOU, God.  Thy will be done.  I love YOU.  I love ALL THAT IS.  I expect these blessings in my life 'cuz I know it is who I AM and who you are and how much I AM loved and blessed by You, God, and ALL THAT IS.  Whoo hoo!!!  Wahoo!  How does it get any better?  
I AM imprinted NOW with the wisdom to identify my self now with my Divine Truth Self and My I AM Avatar Blueprint self and letting the blessings be...not my will but Thy Will Be Done In MY LIFE, MOther/FAther God.  This or something better.  And Thank YOU, God.  Woooooo!  WAhoo!  I AM so open.  This or something does it get any better?  Bring it.  Thank You, God.
See that not only am I infinite abundance (for this is the Divine Truth about me) but know, see, perceive, affirm that ALL of my divine spiritual siblings are also Infinite Abundance.  
Jesus always prayed knowing and giving thanks that it was already done as asked.  
Thank YOU, God, I Am so grateful that you helped me open the doors to help me with my intention of being and bringing into physical manifestation Chenrizi and me being who I say I AM with this blog.
I can call on God's Grace.  Thank YOU, God I am so grateful  By your divine grace please guide me, bring people into my life, show me...that are sent by you and they are ambassador's of yours and give me good guidance.  Thank YOU, God.  And I thank You for your Grace.  I don't need to do anything for God's Grace.  Thank YOU, God I AM so grateful.  By your divine grace please guide me, bring people into my life that assist me with fulfilling Your Divine Plan for me and my life, my blissful blessed being life.  Thy will be done, God.  Thank YOU, God.  Thank YOU.  I love YOU, Mother/Father God, the Legions of Light, the Archangelic League of Light, the Masters, Mother Earth, the Universe, ALL THAT IS!
Blessing.  Thank YOU, God using energy from the Universe for this process.  Thank YOU, God for creating a blessing for everyone of my beloved, beautiful, spiritual siblings and the entire Universe.  Thank YOU, God, that God creates a blessing for the entire Universe...thank YOU, God, for creating the blessing NOW, thank YOU, God, as God miraculously gives a blessing for everyone and everything in the entire Universe...thank YOU, God.  Thank You, God.  Thy will be done.
Thank YOU, God, for helping me understand that I AM always a blessing to the Universe, as well, as that I AM infinitely blessed.  Thank YOU, God.
Divine Truth Teller, Blast O'Bliss Brilliant Being
Being and Having All of Me...Access of All of ME in every glorious, divine, eternal, infinite present moment of NOW.  How does it get any better...any more blissful and blessingful?  Wahoo!  Thank YOU, God!

It's A Dream - Who I AM is infinite, eternal, Divine

Send out love and harmony, put your mind and body in a peaceful place, and allow the universe to work in the perfect way that it knows how. - Dr. Wayne Dyer
healthy delta
when I remain in the vibe of being bliss--blasts o'bliss--Divine Truth Bliss and Infinite Love and Abundance and Bounty AND feeling infinitely blessed, blessed, blessed with the knowledge of Divine Truth and Who that means I AM in REALity...this leaves no room, time, place, space for me to be in lack or lies or not having or being something I AM not in Divine Truth.  Thank YOU, God!

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Instead of thinking I can't or it isn't possible today, ASK, "What would it take for

Universe, what would it take for me to ________________________?

When you trust, there is no need for hidden hostility and suspicion--the two great enemies of peace.

chosen consciously today every word I utter is aligned with Divine Truth, Bliss, Beauty, Bounty, Blessings...YES!

Today every word I utter will be chosen consciously. I will refrain from complaints, condemnation, and criticism.


The new human.

to generate biological bliss

focused awareness and intent - breath bliss

not matching or entraining to the room - as I connect, the one connected will be able to raise the vibration of those around

this big beautiful bliss light of mine...I let it shine

bringing in more life force energy - it is what we use to raise our vibration - and as others align with it...

allows the others body to heal itself and I know I technically never heal and neither do they...they are simply uncovering spiritual truth that they have been and always are perfect as mentioned in the Teachings

it is so easy - but, of course, because I haven't healed anything...I've simply revealed what is the truth of the blissful, divine being I AM.

wealth is access to resources - you don't need to own the swimming pool - you just need to have access to the swimming pool

access to my own connection to source - access my own resources and do what is possible to raise my vibration as much as possible

love more profoundly - this is juicy stuff

realize how powerful my love valuable

my love is actually a power

our love is real, has power and impact and it is something I can do and everyone can do

Thought for Today: It is safe for me to feel loved. I ask my angels to guide my relationships so that I only attract people with a high level of integrity. Everyone in my life now treats me with respect, for I have wonderful friends whom I care about.
Even a one-degree shift in our thinking can cause a massive change.
When we create the conditions we need to shift our thinking even one degree, we have succeeded in seeding change in our lives.  That change, six months down the road, takes us to a whole new place.

Tuesday, August 23, 2011


Exploring who you are at a deeper level than your everyday thoughts is the true definition of meditation.
‎"Dear God and Archangel Michael, Please help me to completely release this situation to you. Help me to surrender it, and to stop trying to control the outcome. Please give me the strength to make necessary changes and to follow my inner truth and guidance."

conscious intention - focus on what you choose and where you are going?

Mother/Father God and All That Is, please help me play my bliss game full out today and everyday.  Thank you.  I love you.

Focus on what I choose and where I desire to go?  Bliss...Bliss...Bliss...and more Bliss Divine along with a heaping helpin' of Divine Truth Love Light Energy.  YES!!!!  Wahoo!!!

the only part able to make this choice and change in a real way is going with your heart is full with so much abundant love.  What do I choose to feel?  Say it out loud three times as if I am already there.  I AM open to using my conscious imagination.  Imagine right now I AM nature's peace.  That's who I AM.  Just see myself being in my nature of bliss.  Really feel myself in this land of I AM bliss.  Infinite love and gratitude.

begin to create a portal to guide your reactive mind to react in a whole new way.
Regardless of feeling frustration, I AM now agreeing to feel a breath of fresh air.  INfinite love and gratitude.  I AM now agreeing to choose ________________
I AM now choosing to feel ____________________
Infinite love and gratitude.
I AM now safe feeling _______________________
Infinite love and gratitude
I am okay that there is a part of me who keeps forgetting that feeling of _____________ is a choice in each and every life circumstance.
Infinite love and gratitude.
I AM okay that there is a reactive, frustrated part of me who has never chosen to feel ______________
Infinite love and gratitude
I AM okay that there is a part of me who has never felt supported like I AM right now feeling ___________
Infinite love and gratitude
I AM _________________
I AM ___________________- its my nature
I AM _____________________
Infinite love and gratitude
I AM ____________________
I AM ____________
Love is my nature
Infinite love and gratitude
I have an entirely new consciousness blue print that is influencing my mind and body.

I AM infinite love and gratitude.

I AM safe and supported to be my authentic self.
Infinite love and gratitude.
My name is Lori and today I AM choosing to bring out my very best and shine like the sun by being 100% ready, willing, able, safe, worthy, supported and downright deserving to own my power...awaken my soul, with infinite love and feeling ____________________.  NOW and forever regardless of how painful, scary or stressful life is, has been or will be I AM infinite love and gratitude.  Love is my nature.  Bliss is my nature. Well-being is my nature.  Infinite wealth is my nature.  And so it is.

And I know this is the way the angels perceive me and Divine Love Intelligence perceives me and the Masters Perceive me and all the Legions of Light perceive me.

This big, beautiful, brilliant, blast o'bliss, divine love light of mine...I let it shine all the time...let it shine.  I feel it.  YES!!!

I AM infinite love and appreciation.

maybe I've been disappointed in the past (everything that brings up will I destroy and uncreate it all? YES!  right wrong good bad all9 pod poc shorts boys and beyonds), but the Universe never disappoints.  The Universe always says yes and the universe always delivers.   (again, everything that brings up will I destroy and uncreate it all?  YES!  right wrong good bad all9 pod poc shorts boys and beyonds).  TRUST!

God wants more than 20 times more for me than I desire for myself. 

Thank YOU, God!

The Connection - the appreciation of the energy of our spirit which is pure love, the energy of our thoughts, the energy of our body and the energy of Mother Earth and the energy of the Universe

create a conscious presence for the moment - then I can pay attention to the moment in a whole other way.

every time I hear him say Infinite love and appreciation say it with the same sort of intention as Dr. Weissman from my heart and with total feeling of the truth of the statement through my entire being, "I AM infinite love and appreciation".

Take a deep breath.  My breath is my spirit.  And my spirit is pure love.  And I harmonize my breath with pure spirit.  Harmonize my spirit with my body.
As we unify my spirit and body and one unified field, "Infinite love and appreciation"
Harmonize my mind with every cell, every relationship in my body "infinite love and appreciation"
Harmonize my body with the infinite potential of my mind "infinite love and appreciation
as my mind and body are harmonized with                    every thing is possible "infinite love and appreciation"
take a deep breath
connect to the heart of mother earth and feel her embracing me with the essence of her soul and bringing this energy into harmony with my body and all the realtionship isn my life "my body is thriving.  my life is thriving.  and so it is.  infinite love and appreciation"  my thoughts are thriving.  and so it is "infinite love and appreciation"  love is thriving in my being and life and so it is.  infinite love and gratitude.  love is thriving in the Universe.  so it is.
connect to the divine consciousness and bring it into my body into the Source, the power, into my body and all my relationships.
i am one with my body.  i am one with life. i am one with infinite wealth and abundance.  all is well.  infinite love and appreciation.  i am one with my thoughts.  all is well.  infinite love and appreciation.  i am one with love.  all is well.  i am one with bliss.  infinite love and appreciation
take a breath and welcome to the present moment
simply observe
how does it feel to feel present in this moment right now?

 discontinue perceiving myself as ill, lack, etc.  Look at my body and my life as a real meaningful dialogue.

connect to...notice a particular symptom

one never can become who they already are.  YES!!!

The billion dollar question, "given the opportunity, would I ever choose to create my life this way?"  If I knew I had the choice...once I know I have the choice...would I choose _________________
Would an infinite being ________________________
pain, frustration, lack or the like
Given the choice I know what I would choose?  YES!!!
something is activating a reactive only knows how to react
we have the ability to teach the reactive mind
next million dollar question, "if you could teach your reactive mind to react in a different way, would we?"
Intention.  Set the intention.  Intention is powerful.
Once I set up a new vibration of what I would choose, we begin to recognize the power of intention and imagination.
Create a whole new blueprint for our being, body and blissful life...our relationships
consciously became present...consciously discerned and said I wouldn't choose this so where did it come from...what isn't action is with conscious intention
conscious intention has a rule to live by...focus on what you choose.  Focus on what I choose.  Focus ONLY on what I choose.
The only part of me that can create this choice in a real way is through my heart.  Go into my heart.  My heart is filled with abundant love, my wealth of love.  What do I choose to feel?  Say it out loud three times as if I am already there.  Am I open to using my imagination, my conscious imagination?  See myself being what I choose.  See myself in my nature of what I choose.  See myself in this land of what I choose.  Now say, "infinite love and appreciation."  Now how does it feel in my heart to experience what it is I choose.  That feeling is what creates the "healing"

Creates a portal, a doorway, the present-past-future declarative portal that guides my reactive mind to function in a whole new way.

Regardless of feeling _____________, I AM now agreeing to feel __________________
Infinite love and apprecaiton.  Infinite love and appreciation  Thank you God
I AM now choosing to feel _____________________
infinite love and appreciation.  infinite love and appreciation
I AM now safe feeling _________________
infinite love and appreciation  infinite love and apprecation  Thank you God
I AM okay, but there is a part of me who keeps forgetting that feeling _______________ is a choice in each and every life circumstance
Infinite love and apprecaiton
I am okay that there is a reactive ___________ part of me who has never chosen to feel _______________
infinite love and appreciation  thank you God
I am okay that there is a part of me who has never felt supported like I AM right now feeling ____________
infinite love and appreciation.  thank you God
I just crossed a veil.  I entered the consciousness of I AM _______________

I AM feeling ________________________
infinite love and gratitude thank you God
I AM ___________________________
I AM ____________________________   it is my nature
infinite love and apprecation  thank you God
I AM __________________________
I AM _________________________
Love is my nature
infinite love and appreciation.  Thank you God

Now I have a whole new blueprint.

doesn't judge, it simply reacts and thus, I move with resistance continuing to look back...its a pattern that has me viewing myself and the world around me fearing change instead of I AM feeling _________________

infinite love and appreciation - this is what I AM
infinite love and apprecation
I AM safe and supported to be my unique self
infinite love and apprecation
My name is Lori and today I AM choosing to bring out my very best and shine like the sun by being 100% ready, willing, able, safe, worthy, supported and downright deserving to own my power, awaken my soul with infinite love and appreciation by feeling ________________________________ NOW and forever regardless of how painful, scary or stressful life is, has been, or will be.  I AM _____________
Love is my nature.  Love is who I AM.  Love is how God created me.  And so it is.
Infinite love and appreciation.  Thank YOU, God!  Thank YOU, ALL THAT IS!

See all the angels supporting me and sending me infinite love and appreciation, especially since they see me the way Divine Love Intelligence sees me.  Will I receive it?  Will I acknowledge that this is who I AM and how much I AM loved. 

Infinite love and appreciation.  Thank YOU, God.  I AM infinite love and appreciation.  Thank YOU, God!

And then to remember, that like the angels everyone else is infinite love and appreciation (not just saying the words but being the vibration of the words) and for me to see everyone and everything and love everyone and everything the way the angels do and the way Divine Love and Divine Truth does always past, present and future.  And I don't worry about if they receive it, I send it anyway because it is truth.  I send it anyway because I MUST since it is who I AM in Divine Truth.

I AM infinite abundance.

Monday, August 22, 2011

What Just Shows Up In My Life Now is SOOOOOO Incredible and Blissful

I love my bliss blessed b'loved bountiful beautiful billionaire being bjork life I live now.  Wahoo!

welcomes you to Miraculous Monday!
The first sentence of A Course in Miracles teaches: "There is no order of difficulty in miracles."
Think big, and enjoy your miraculous day!

Find one aspect of my life which gives me ONLY Blissful thought and fixate and focus on it.

All those hundred different subjects are already in motion. The Source within you has already tended to them, and lined them up. Your only order of business is to find one aspect of your life which gives you no trouble and only joyous thought, and fixate on it. And by focusing on one thing that makes you feel good, you come into alignment with who you are, and all 100 projects can move forth happily. Isn't that interesting - Abe-Hicks -
Infinite abundance is Who I AM...always. 
My body is a gift...a sensory organ...I AM driving a Ferrari.  I love my body.   I appreciate my body.
Is this something I created or did my body?
judgment/conclusions - Who does this belong to?
I give up my fat consciousness today.  I give up my lack consciousness today.  I receive my Divine Consciousness today.  YES!  Wahoo!!!
I love, love, love that I AM letting go of everywhere in my being I ever made myself wrong.  This rocks!

Claim Dominion Over My Consciousness NOW

Divine Consciousness.  YES!!!

"Let there be peace within my walls and prosperity within my palaces."
~ Catherine Ponder
abundance is not something we is something we tune into.
bless my desires...bless my dreams...bless moving forward...bless my intentions...What would it take for me to have more money than I could ever spend and never enough?
affirm the change that has already happened.  for the moment you affirm in thought/spirit it is already real and on its way to being fulfilled in substance/physical projection.

Ask the question?

Am I skeptical because it is a knee-jerk response from past experience or am I skeptical because it is warranted?  Who does this skepticism belong to?  Where is the lightness in the answer?  If the skepticism is warranted, that answer will feel light.

...if that part of your life is what's ringing your bells and you want to give your undivided attention to that, the Universe is delighted to let that be the vortex through which your well-being flows. The only time we ever say to anyone, 'Don't try to specify the vortex,' is if the vortex they've specified isn't working. The only time that we ever say to someone, 'Don't specify to the Universe exactly how you want it to come,' is if the way they think they want it to come is not already working for them. In other words, they've already got resistance going on. So we say, back away and let it come through some other avenue.
- Abraham-Hicks -

confusing who I AM with what I do

Positive thoughts can only manifest if they are in sync with your beliefs - Metatron through Tyberonn
God, please help me to from this moment forward understand that I AM always I AM THAT I AM regardless of what I may think, feel, do, etc.  And that I AM THAT I AM in spirit and in physical...Thank you! 
“The only courage you ever need is the courage to live your heart’s desire.” - Oprah
‎"My life is a constant stream of miracles!" – Cheryl Richardson

Sunday, August 21, 2011

everything I AM looking for I AM


I am creating and having a life that is even greater than I ever thought possible.  I invited that possibility in my life.  How cool is that?  How much better can it be for me in my life?  What else blissful and beyond divine is possible for me in my life?  I am totally unique unto myself.  What else blissful and beyond divine great am I able to be in the world?

‎"Dear God and angels, thank you for helping me to think, speak, and act from my Higher Self, so that every moment of my day is a reflection of pure light, love, and healing blessings."
Be gentle with yourselves, Dearest ones, and know that you live close to God’s heart.
"Dear God and angels, thank you for helping me to think, speak, and act from my Higher Self, so that every moment of my day is a reflection of pure light, love, and healing blessings."
Forget not your Heavenly Creator, Who steadily resides within you now.
Thought for Today: I am totally carefree, giving all worries to God and the angels. I don’t have to do anything by myself, because they’re always with me.
"Dear God and angels, thank you for sending me open-hearted, trust-worthy, loving, kind, giving, and gentle people. Thank you for helping me to be a wonderful friend who has wonderful friendships."
Visualize yourself surrounded completely with pink light. Only love can permeate this pink shield which protects you from harsh energies, while allowing you to keep your heart open.
Dear God, I know that my family member and I both have guardian angels. I ask that these guardian angels help us heal our issues and misunderstandings. Please help us release any anger or unforgiveness. I ask that all effects of our mistakes be lifted and forgotten by everyone involved. Please help me release any judgment I may be carrying toward myself or others. I ask that our guardian angels clearly give us Your direction, knowing that Your will for us is peace. Thank You.
A powerful clearing method: Say silently in your mind to anyone with whom you're angry: "I am willing to release that part of me which irritates me when I think of you."
Resisting changes is a power-less way to control your life, but making a firm decision is a power-full way that never fails.
Thought for Today: My angels cherish me for who I am right now. I have the light of God inside of me today and every day. As I focus on my inner glow, I am filled with love.
"Archangel Michael, thank you for protecting me and helping me to feel safe in opening my heart to love."

Helios and Vesta - Beloved Beings of Light

‎"This is the thing that we so want you to understand.
Everything is always working out for you,
even when it feels like it's off.
Even when it feels like it's really off,
because the other end of everything unwanted something really wanted.

And when you get fixated on the really wanted part,
then you realize the other
was just part of the creation of that.

You're doing extremely well. Yes."

- Abraham-Hicks -

I wonder how much fun we can have?

I wonder how much love and light filled change we can create for the world today just by being more of our Divine Truth Self?
Some, Lori, are better loved from a distance.

For a while, anyway.

And that's OK.

    The Universe

Besides, Lori, love doesn't really know the difference.  

It's kind of strange, Lori, but first you have to know what you want, defined in terms of the end result. And then you have to physically move towards it, without defining the hows.

At which point, the thing you want actually starts coming to you, on its own terms, from a direction completely unexpected.

Not unlike a cat,
    The Universe (7/20/11)

Just carry on, Lori, detached from the details and timing, and perhaps act like you just couldn't care less. Meow. 

What I most want you to dream of, Lori, are possibilities that thrill you.

What I most want you to feel, is happy.

And what I most want you to know, is that you're loved.

    The Universe

As mentioned in the brochures, Lori, used for recruiting alien life forms from distant realities: "'Time and Space' is where you're never judged, only loved, anyone can be a rock star, and your keys will be wherever you left them."

Spot on, huh?

Wiki this,
    The Universe

Give with a truly glad heart, Lori, for the sole purpose of the good it will do, and whatever you give shall return to you, multiplied, as if on wings, covered in sparkles.

    The Universe

Just don't expect the beneficiary of your kindness, Lori, to be the bringer of your new blessings - very rare; not their job; I know faster ways.

Some people think, Lori, that some things are "meant to be."

Meant by whom?

Not me,
    The Universe

You can have it all, Lori. 
Truth is since God is my "father" I already HAVE it all.  I HAVE all that God has.  Can I not perceive it?  Will I receive it?  Will I love and enjoy it and allow the Universe to gift it to me with ease and bliss?  YESSSS!!!!!   YES!!!  YES!!!

The entire world will be a richer place, Lori, once you sell many of your designs for at least $2500 each and  receive and have your money--twenty thousand a month at least.

We knew this when we helped you pick your dreams.

So let's get cracking,
    The Universe
YES!  I love this!

So you see, Lori, there is this deep, intrinsic, unidentified yet palpable yearning by the masses for you to have all that you want and intend ALL and they, unwittingly, are prepared to help.  It is their pleasure for somewhere in their knowing they, too, understand that they are the Divine Truth of who they are and thus are each billionaires in essence and ALL the Most Amazing Infinite Divine Children of God Beings they were created as by Mother/Father God/Divine Love Intelligence.  Beautiful, Blissful, Brilliant Lights.

Quickie Happiness Workshop for Increasing Profits at Times of Seeming Peril:

Think as much, if not more, about growing your income as you do of trimming your expenses.

And for extra credit, Lori, focus on customers more than vendors; smiles more than frowns; possibilities more than risks; options more than commitments; vacations more than overtime; detours more than setbacks; opportunities more than obstacles; and Goldilocks more than the bears.

End of Workshop -
    The Universe

To what extremes would you go, Lori, to bring about your heart's fondest wishes, to manifest your greatest desires, and to live your boldest dreams?

OMG - Did you just say visualize daily and take baby steps?!

    The Universe

Look out world, Lori's eyes just closed (you are now closing your eyes to visualize), and everything is about to change. 

You just have to let me do the casting - have to.

Truly thrilled,
    The Universe

You decide what you want, Lori, physically move in its direction and I'll "send in the clowns." 

When you know the end result, Lori, I always know the fastest way.
The questions you have to answer, Lori, pertain to what, where, when, and why.

Mine pertain to how and with whom.

    The Universe

Two of the most important questions for all aspiring rock stars, Lori, are:

  1. How big do you want to be?
  2. What are you now doing about it?
"Rock stars" being metaphoric for "selling many of my designs for at least $2500 each." I just didn't want to immediately flip you out.

See you at the stadium,
    The Universe


Place Your Order For What You Want Next

When you begin to understand Law of Attraction, and you understand that which is like unto itself is drawn, then it is easier and easier to understand that you are offering a signal, and the entire Universe responds. And when you finally get that, and you begin to exercise some deliberate control about the signal that you offer, then it really begins to be fun, because then you recognize that nothing happens outside of your creative control. There are no things that happen by chance or by circumstance. There is nothing that is happening because of something you vibrated a long time ago or in a past life. It is not about what you were born into. It is only about what you are, right now, in this red hot fresh moment emitting.

Stop looking all over the place for "the answers" - whatever they are - and start looking for the questions - the inquiries which are most important in your life, and give them answers. You do not live each day to discover what it holds for you, but to create it. -Neal Donald Walsh
‎"You must show no mercy, nor have any belief whatsoever in how others judge you... for your greatness shall silence them all." - Albert Einstein
It is called "Awaken and be active with me".

Divine Spirit, bring me into union with you. Remove the obstacles that keep me from the experience of your presence. Let me clearly perceive your guidance. Walk with me into my mysteries; replace my fears with Faith. Give me the capacity to abide in mysteries put on my life's path.

Saturday, August 20, 2011

This Big Brilliant Bliss Light Divine of Mine...I LET IT SHINE...ALL THE TIME. I AM DIVINE! YES!!!

Me...always...shining blasts o'bliss divine love light like the sun to all
Me out of judgment and conclusions...showing up simply as the beautiful, blessed, big, brilliant, bountiful bliss light Divine of Mine I AM always.  Wahoo!  YES!!!  Mahalo!

I AM choosing to be my beautiful Divine Being Self in every moment.  Anything out of harmony with that I may give my attention to, I destroy and uncreate it all.  Divine Truth.  Divine Truth.  Divine Truth.  That is all I agree with NOW.  In my self and everyone...for we are all connected, Yes? 

Would an infinite being _________?

Find every reason to be BLISS, blasts o'bliss Divine Light Energy shining brilliantly.  One of the 10,000 changing the face of the world.

Divine SOURCE is the Source of my wealth.  And I AM lavishly, divinely and bountifully supported by ALL THAT IS now.  I AM always perfect place/perfect time.

Dia 20 de 5X90 compromisos- Se te respetan solo cuando te respetas a ti!
I am committed to be my beauty
I am committed to go for what I want without shame
I am committed to catch the bouquets the universe keeps throwing at me
I am committed to speak my calling out loud
I am committed to let go of hiding what I want via loving ME!
Allow love, trust and total surrender to flood your being until they have become part of all you are.
Smiling or laughing for no good reason at all is one of the best reasons to laugh or smile :)))))))